The Limited Times

"What's up with Rewe?" The shock store on Halloween is really not for the faint of heart

11/1/2022, 1:47:37 PM

"What's up with Rewe?" The shock store on Halloween is really not for the faint of heart Created: 2022-11-01 2:39 p.m By: Armin Linder Just two of the scary sights from the Rewe branch in Darmstadt. © Twitter A Rewe branch really went full throttle on Halloween. And it's celebrated online for it. Warning, these pictures are not for the faint of heart! Darmstadt – Many customers know Halloween

"What's up with Rewe?" The shock store on Halloween is really not for the faint of heart

Created: 2022-11-01 2:39 p.m

By: Armin Linder

Just two of the scary sights from the Rewe branch in Darmstadt.

© Twitter

A Rewe branch really went full throttle on Halloween.

And it's celebrated online for it.

Warning, these pictures are not for the faint of heart!

Darmstadt – Many customers know Halloween decorations in shops.

This sometimes extends to a few pumpkins, sometimes to a little more creative accessories.

You can find it boring or nice.

But it's rarely really amazing.

Now in one case but then yes!

A Rewe customer was caught off guard in a branch that really put a lot of effort into it.

She immediately pulled out the cell phone camera and tweeted a few photos.

Together with the words "What's up with Rewe?".

Rewe branch in Darmstadt is celebrated for Halloween decorations

Another user - quote "I'm licking myself hahahaha" - also contributed photos, resulting in a horrifying tour: a package that looks like a body wrapped in plastic.

A plastic tarpaulin with red prints in front of a corridor.

Life-size scary figures.

A cordoned off graveyard area with a skull.

And of course the obligatory pumpkin should not be missing.

Creativity 100 points out of 100. "It was an experience, hahaha," writes the Twitter user.

No wonder many celebrate the effort.

The post got hundreds of likes.

"Is that cool!", "How brilliant", "I call that dedicated", "Geil", "Also really well done".

"Ghost train on the fair much more expensive", "The corpse.

Made my day" and "Hammer", the observers rave.

"I would be the one who stumbles over the body," says another user.

And one says: “But that's only possible because it's a 'private market'.

Nevertheless, respect, performance succeeded.” Another topic of discussion on social media is a Halloween note that forbids neighbors from giving out sweets to children and calls for kohlrabi sticks.

Rewe branch also saves energy

The question that many people ask about the Halloween pictures from Rewe - and that other local people answer themselves: Which branch was so creative here?

It is the Rewe market on Rüdesheimer Straße 121-123 in Darmstadt, explains the Twitter user on query.

Another notices something else.

"Nice side effect: saving energy through less light." So the Rewe branch scored points.

The company, on the other hand, made itself very unpopular with another customer with a note: She feels uncomfortably patronized by the supermarket chain.

Another customer at Rewe once dealt with disgusting cheese.


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