The Limited Times

Brazil: sit-in of the Bolsonarists in front of the barracks

11/1/2022, 2:35:33 PM

Chaos is growing in Brazil, after the election as president of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva: in addition to the roadblocks in progress in at least 20 states, the 'Bolsonarists' are organizing for sit-ins in front of the barracks to ask for "intervention. federal ". (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - RIO DE JANEIRO, 01 NOV - Chaos is growing in Brazil, after the election as president of Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva: in addition to the roadblocks in progress in at least 20 states, the 'Bolsonarists' are organizing themselves in front of the barracks to ask for "federal intervention".

The convocation, made through WhatsApp groups, would aim to give time to the outgoing president, Jair Bolsonaro, to officially pronounce on the electoral result.

The ultimate goal of the demonstrators - according to some commentators - would be to invoke article 142 of the Constitution, which provides for the intervention of the Armed Forces to "restore order between hypotheses".


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