The Limited Times

Clash on hold on raves. Alarm of the opposition. Il Viminale: "The law does not affect rights"

11/1/2022, 8:35:38 PM

The controversies do not subside. Read: 'Citizens' freedom under discussion'. Salvini: "You can't go back". Sources from the Ministry of the Interior: "The law does not affect the freedom to demonstrate". The investigation continues: 14 complaints, 150 thousand euro audio system seized. And the criminal lawyers (ANSA) intervene on the issue

Question and answer between the secretary of the Democratic Party, Enrico Letta, and the deputy premier, Matteo Salvini, on the rule for the raves wanted by the government after the case of Modena.

Criminal lawyers also intervene on the issue.

Letta: "The government withdraws the raves rule."

"The Government withdraws the first paragraph of Article 434bis of the Criminal Code reform. It is a very serious mistake. Raves have nothing to do with a similar rule. It is the freedom of citizens that is thus called into question. # NoArt434bis".

The secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta writes on Twitter.

Salvini to Letta: "No going back".

"A Democratic Party now in total confusion defends illegality and abusive #raveparty, asking the government to change its mind. No! There is no going back, the laws are finally respected": tweeted by Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini replying to the tweet in which the secretary of the Democratic Party Enrico Letta asks the executive to withdraw the norm on rave parties.

"The illegal anti-rave law concerns a mandatory case that concerns the conduct of arbitrary invasion of large groups such as to constitute a danger to public health and safety".

This is what sources of the Interior Ministry say.

A rule, always specified by the Ministry of the Interior, "which does not in any way harm the right of expression and freedom of expression enshrined in the Constitution and defended by the institutions".

Criminal lawyers

: "With a new crime, wiretapping is possible".

"The rule that prohibits raves also establishes penalties for participants, against whom the penalty is 'reduced'. This means that the judge, at the end of the trial, must apply a reduction that can reach up to one third of the sentence. edittale that against the organizers it can go from three to six years. I do not understand, therefore, why Prime Minister Meloni wanted to claim not to have given the green light to wiretapping since this crime provides for penalties of more than five years ".

This was stated by the president of the Criminal Chambers, Gian Domenico Caiazza.