The Limited Times

Hospital doctors: 'No-vax healthcare workers are not in risk wards'

11/1/2022, 12:30:02 PM

"Do not assign doctors and health professionals not vaccinated against Covid-19, and reintegrated in hospitals, to wards with fragile patients most at risk". (HANDLE)

"Do not assign doctors and health professionals not vaccinated against Covid-19, and reintegrated in hospitals, to wards with fragile patients most at risk".

The request is from the national secretary of Anaao Assomed

, the most representative union of hospital doctors, Pierino Di Silverio.

The decree approved yesterday by the Council of Ministers

abolishing the vaccination obligation for the health professions starting from today, November 1st, "was done without the involvement of the social partners - Di Silverio said to ANSA - and absolutely does not solve the problem the shortage of doctors in hospitals ".

"This measure - states Di Silverio - leaves us perplexed above all by the 'communication deficit' on the part of the government: until yesterday the no vaxes, as agreed by all, absolutely did not have to be present in the hospital, while from today on everything returns. to the previous normality. But in this way space is left for disputes and once again a communication confusion is created that hurts above all citizens and the whole health system ".

Therefore, the Anaao notes

, "the minimum is that these reinstated unvaccinated doctors and health workers are not assigned to high-risk wards. Even if the goal is to fill the staff shortages, this is not how this problem can be solved. : the action is wrong, also given the small number of these doctors, and we need rather some structural interventions that have been missed so far. Frankly we would like to understand what are the real reasons behind this decision ".

"We are waiting to be received by the minister as soon as possible

- underlines the trade union leader - because without a discussion with the social partners it is difficult to start a post-pandemic reconstruction process for the National Health Service. asymptomatic, it is a topic to think about based on the scientific literature ".