The Limited Times

Illegal parkers are liable in the event of an accident – ​​the verdict provides clarity when it comes to the question of guilt

11/1/2022, 5:05:24 PM

Illegal parkers are liable in the event of an accident – ​​the verdict provides clarity when it comes to the question of guilt Created: 01/11/2022, 17:54 By: Dominik Jahn Incorrect parking may result in high fines in the event of an accident. There will also be problems with the insurance. If you park your car, you have to pay attention to a few things on the road. What is wrong and what is st

Illegal parkers are liable in the event of an accident – ​​the verdict provides clarity when it comes to the question of guilt

Created: 01/11/2022, 17:54

By: Dominik Jahn

Incorrect parking may result in high fines in the event of an accident.

There will also be problems with the insurance.

If you park your car, you have to pay attention to a few things on the road.

What is wrong and what is still allowed? has already reported on correct parking.

And illegal parkers can be hit really hard.

Under certain circumstances, they can also be to blame for an accident.

Especially in winter you should be careful how you park your car.

Parking light or parking light?

According to the Road Traffic Act, correct use can prevent a fine and a question of guilt.

Wrong parkers must reckon with partial blame in the event of an accident

Anyone who parks their car incorrectly on the road and thus becomes part of an accident - even if only passively - must expect a fine and will have problems with their insurance.

In an interview with

, lawyer Tom Louven from the online portal explains what happens next.

(Article behind payment barrier).

traffic regulations


road traffic regulations


Federal Republic of Germany

Effective date:

October 1, 1934

Louven immediately makes it clear: "Even if the car is parked and not actively participating in road traffic, this can still lead to contributory negligence in an accident." As the expert explains, in the event of an accident,

"the visibility and light conditions"

are then taken into account.

However, according to

, partial guilt will always be the result.

Judgment after an accident with illegal parking creates clarity

The specialist portal mentions a case from Frankfurt.

In a residential area, a driver parked his car directly in front of a traffic island that narrows the roadway.

And therefore illegal.

Another driver crashed into the back of the car in the dark at the height of the traffic island.

The force of the impact pushed the illegal parker onto two other cars, which were massively damaged.

The verdict was clear: it is difficult to see a wrongly parked car in the dark.

The illegal parker is partly to blame for 25 percent.

On the other hand, if the accident had happened during the day, the owner of the parked vehicle could have demanded full compensation.

His wrongly parked vehicle is easier to spot in daylight than at night.

The accident could have been avoided.

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Incorrect parking must always expect high fines

Basically, it becomes critical for everything illegal parkers who, according to lawyer Louven, have parked their car "less than five meters away from junctions, intersections or in the second row".

Even without being involved in an accident, high fines are imposed on the vehicle owner.

According to the catalog of fines, anyone who parks their car in confusing places or in cramped spaces must expect a fine of 35 euros.

If there is also a disability for other road users, the costs increase to 55 euros.

It gets really expensive for illegal parkers when "the passage for emergency vehicles is no longer guaranteed" - 100 euros are then due.

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