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Make apple rings yourself: Three delicious options

11/1/2022, 11:11:24 AM

Make apple rings yourself: Three delicious options Created: 11/01/2022, 12:00 p.m By: Anna Heyers Apple varieties ripen at different speeds. If you want to have something from the harvest in winter, you can dry the apples and make your own apple rings. The best apples are juicy and sweet - even when dried. You can preserve the fruits from your own harvest as apple rings or apple chips and do n

Make apple rings yourself: Three delicious options

Created: 11/01/2022, 12:00 p.m

By: Anna Heyers

Apple varieties ripen at different speeds.

If you want to have something from the harvest in winter, you can dry the apples and make your own apple rings.

The best apples are juicy and sweet - even when dried.

You can preserve the fruits from your own harvest as apple rings or apple chips and do not have to eat them immediately after picking.

For one or the other, they can also be an ideal addition to an emergency supply, which can last for months if stored correctly.

To ensure that the apple rings turn out well at home and do not spoil, you should pay attention to a few things when preparing them.

Drying apple rings: three different ways

There are three proven methods for making apple chips or apple rings yourself.

But no matter which of the three you choose, the preparations are the same for all variants:

  • Wash and dry the apples thoroughly

  • Peel if necessary

  • Remove core

  • Cut into slices or pieces as you like

  • Drizzle with lemon juice to keep them from turning brown

  • A matter of taste: Sprinkle with cinnamon or other spices, if necessary omit the lemon juice

Option 1: Air dry apple rings

First things first: The sun is not necessary with this variant.

A warm, dry place, for example by the heater or the fireplace, is sufficient.

It is best to thread the apple rings or pieces onto a cord and hang them up.

It can take up to three weeks for them to dry completely.

If you don't feel like hanging it up, you can simply place the apple rings or pieces on a grid or grid, cover them with kitchen paper and then place them in a warm, dry place.

You can also prepare apple rings at home without your own dehydrator.

© Jürgen Pfeiffer/Imago

Option 2: Dry apple rings in the oven

Drying in the oven is faster than drying in the air.

Simply put the apple pieces or rings on a baking tray lined with baking paper.

Meanwhile, the oven is preheated to 60 to 80 degrees Celsius.

If you have an oven with a convection or hot air function, you can prepare several trays at once.

With top and bottom heat, the trays should rotate in between.

The apples need about three to five hours - depending on the thickness.

Turning the windows is recommended during this time, also so that a little moisture can escape through the open door.

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Option 3: Dry apple rings in the dehydrator

The fruits also need three to four hours at 50 to 70 degrees Celsius in the dehydrator.

As a rule, these are multi-storey and somewhat more energy-efficient than ovens, since a smaller space is heated.

Purchasing a dehydrator is only worthwhile if you use it frequently.

Storage of fresh apples

If you want to have something from your own apple harvest or bought apples for longer, you should store the fruit as cool as possible.

This can be done in a (dry, cool, well-ventilated) cellar or in the refrigerator.

The best way to do this is to put them in sealable foil bags made of polyethylene (PE), poke a few holes in them and place the apples in the fruit compartment of the refrigerator, wrapped like this.

In this way, the fruit does not dry out and lasts longer.

Proper storage of dried apples

Similar to fresh fruit or vegetables, a few storage tips should be followed so that the apple rings can be kept for as long as possible.

So that the homemade dried fruit does not go moldy in the containers, a storage container that is as airtight as possible should be selected.

This can be a glass or a plastic jar, as long as it seals well.

The storage location itself should be cool and dry.

Stored in this way, dehydrated products can keep for up to three years.

At least if you don't eat them first.

Gala, Elstar, Golden Delicious – the best apple varieties for drying

The good news: all apple varieties are actually suitable.

It is therefore definitely worth trying out different ones in order to find your favourite.

The only rule here: the fruit should be ripe and undamaged, i.e. it should not show any bruises or other injuries.

The Gala, Elstar or Golden Delicious apple varieties, for example, are excellent in terms of appearance and taste.

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How do apple chips stay crispy?

Better soft or crispy - how you like your apple rings or apple chips is a matter of taste.

The rule of thumb is: the thicker the apples are cut, the softer they will be after drying.

So if you want real “chips”, you should use slices that are one to two millimeters thick.

A mandolin (vegetable slicer) helps here to get them as even as possible.

But it also works with a sharp knife.

Airtight packaging is particularly important for apple chips so that they remain crispy.