The Limited Times

Medico no vax, 'I come back with my head held high, I'm not an infector'

11/1/2022, 7:47:32 PM

"I will go back to the hospital with my head held high, because I will never be an infector for any patient. The anti-Covid vaccines have been more than anything else a political operation and I have not vaccinated myself because I am convinced that this does not represent the solution to limit the infection. (HANDLE)

"I will go back to the hospital with my head held high, because I will never be an infector for any patient. The anti-Covid vaccines have been more of a political operation and I have not vaccinated myself because I am convinced that this does not represent the solution to limit the infection. In fact, the data show that there have been infections in hospitals all the same ".

Speaking, in an interview with ANSA, is Dario Giacomini, an unvaccinated 46-year-old radiologist who is preparing to return to the hospital-Ulss 8 in Vicenza, where he worked before the suspension for failure to comply with the vaccination obligation.

    Especially in the last period, he warns him, "hatred is being instilled towards unvaccinated health workers, it is a dangerous ideological fury that could have serious consequences".

"I was suspended in July of last year but I will soon return to work given the decree approved by the CDM which suspends the vaccination obligation from November 1. Finally - he says - like many other citizens for whom the obligation expired last year. June 15, I will be able to return to my seat. "

There are various reasons for the choice not to get vaccinated: "I immediately expressed doubts about the vaccine's ability to prevent the transmission of the SarsCoV2 virus infection. The documents of the pharmaceutical companies themselves did not confirm this point. Furthermore, the chapter on any possible adverse events in the medium and long term, with studies that are still ongoing. Therefore, as a precautionary principle I decided not to vaccinate and I challenged the prohibition to practice my profession,

Furthermore, "in my opinion, a true scientific debate has been lacking, while an extremist and imposing attitude has prevailed".

However, Giacomini is keen to clarify that "I am not ideologically opposed to vaccination as a principle of public health, because we have all been vaccinated with other types of vaccines; however, in this case it seemed more a political operation than a health one. In fact, the vaccine, although preventing serious forms of disease at the level of the individual - he notes - does not prevent the spread of the infection, not even with the three doses and not even in hospitals, so these are specious arguments and doctors are comparable whatever their vaccination status ".