The Limited Times

Saving energy during the corona pandemic: do hands get clean under cold water?

11/1/2022, 12:59:19 PM

Saving energy during the corona pandemic: do hands get clean under cold water? Created: 11/01/2022 13:53 By: Miriam Haberhauer washing hands protects. It is indispensable, especially during waves of illness and the current corona pandemic. This is the only way to prevent germs from being passed on to others. Munich – At the latest during the coronavirus pandemic, regular hand washing became an

Saving energy during the corona pandemic: do hands get clean under cold water?

Created: 11/01/2022 13:53

By: Miriam Haberhauer

washing hands protects.

It is indispensable, especially during waves of illness and the current corona pandemic.

This is the only way to prevent germs from being passed on to others.

Munich – At the latest during the coronavirus pandemic, regular hand washing became an indispensable hygiene factor in order to kill viruses and bacteria.

In view of rising energy prices, the question arises whether washing hands with cold water has the same effect as with warm water.

Save energy: washing hands with cold water ?

The Federal Center for Health Education (BZgA) has now announced that it is not absolutely necessary to rinse your hands under warm water.

The water temperature has no influence on the reduction of microorganisms on the skin - so you can also just use cold water.

Rather, on the


, the Federal Center advises choosing a comfortable water temperature individually.

Because: two other factors are much more decisive in reducing the germ load on the hands.

On the one hand, this includes the soap used and, on the other hand, the duration of hand washing.

According to the Federal Center for Health Education, it makes no difference whether you use warm or cold water when washing your hands.

© Gudrun Krebs/imago images

Decisive factors: endurance and soap

In order to effectively reduce the number of germs on your hands, the Federal Center for Health Education advises washing your hands for at least 20 seconds.

This is the only way to reduce the risk of contracting the disease yourself or passing on germs to others.

However, according to a study by the BZgA, more than half of those surveyed wash their hands for significantly less time.

The soap used also plays an important role.

The washing substances it contains remove germs from the skin.

Those who use soap also tend to rub and wash their hands more thoroughly.

This removes germs mechanically – even under cold water.

If you don't have soap, you should still wash your hands.

Even though washing your hands with soap is much more effective, clean water can remove at least some of the germs.

Only germs that are in the natural oil film of the skin can hardly be removed with water alone.

So if you want to save energy costs, you can safely do without hot water when washing your hands.

However, it would be even more efficient to properly adjust electricity guzzlers in the home.
