The Limited Times

"Tasty", "funny, lively, cruel" or "incredibly vulgar"... Masquerade leaves no one indifferent

11/2/2022, 12:05:26 PM

PRESS REVIEW - Between praise and murderous criticism, Nicolas Bedos' fourth feature film stirs up criticism.

Glory on the decline, Martha Duval (Isabelle Adjani) spends anything but peaceful days in her Moorish villa on the Côte d'Azur.

It's a beautiful place to wait for the end of the world.

To make this stay sweeter, the diva has hired the services of a gigolo, a former dancer who now considers himself a writer (Pierre Niney).

No one is fooled, neither him nor her, and of course, none of their friends.

We pretend.

Between praise and murderous criticism, Nicolas Bedos' fourth feature film,


divides critics.

“A clever suspense around excellent performers”

, estimates

20 minutes


Remarks corroborated by

Le Point

, which considers the film

"funny, lively, cruel, absolutely cynical and endowed with a cast at the top"


Le Monde

which sees in it

"a tasty lesson in sentimental fraud".

The weekly


evokes a film "

in which the obvious pleasure that Nicolas Bedos has in directing, in filming these actors, this light, these shots rather than others, is transmitted to those who follow this story of fraud, passionate love, small pettiness and great destruction


Nicolas Bedos

“has the virtuosity, the tinsel of a Sorrentino”


Le Figaro.

Read alsoOur review of Masquerade, by Nicolas Bedos: awful, rich and wicked

If Franceinfo recalls

“a high-flying cast”

, it nevertheless points out some scriptwriting imperfections: “

It is sometimes difficult to follow the different temporalities of this joyous stampede, as exciting as it can be confused”


"First a book project abandoned because its author was lost, by his own admission, 'in digressions',


transformed into a screenplay suffers from its narrative richness, even if it manages not to lose its spectators along the way"

, adds

La Croix.

Read alsoNicolas Bedos: "Isabelle Adjani had a lot of fun"

On the strength of a generally favorable review, the film did not escape much

harsher criticism: bling”




"Nicolas Bedos ruminates on his double-edged nihilism and ridicules his actors, against a backdrop of scams on the Côte d'Azur"

, considers



“A luxurious cast and evil plot unfolding on the Côte d'Azur.


, advises Sud Ouest.

Without concession,

Le Parisien

delivers the coup de grace: “

In this ocean of boredom (2h14!), the men are all “pigs”, “fuckers”, fickle and violent.


also gratifies us with sequences of incredible vulgarity


The specialized press is not left out.

“Some segments are perfectly crafted and the chrome casting impresses.

However, without a backbone, with its outrageous dialogues and its forced twists, Bedos ends up leaving its viewer in the lurch with its somewhat ugly, somewhat cowardly and globally repulsive characters”




Nicolas Bedos hopes, in part, to poke fun at the superficiality of the bourgeois Côte d'Azur with



It's a pity that his film is just as much,”


Ecran Large.