The Limited Times

"The King of Kings": in the world's media they are horrified by Ben Gavir | Israel today

11/2/2022, 9:11:17 PM

The chairman of Otzma Yehudit was defined by media in the USA as a "supporter of Jewish supremacy" and an "extreme nationalist" • The news site "Axios" reported that the American government will refuse to cooperate with him

Media outlets in the Western world are following the results of the Israeli elections with obvious concern, especially due to the meteoric rise of Knesset member Itamar Ben Gabir and the explosive surge made by the religious Zionist party in the elections.

The British Financial Times described Ben Gabir in a clearly unflattering light and linked his name to that of the head of the So movement, Meir Kahana.

"A follower and student of Rabbi Meir Hana, who wanted to deny the citizenship of Israeli Arabs and whose party was designated as a terrorist organization by the US, Ben Gabir was until recently a marginal figure in Israeli politics."

The American news network CNN wrote: "The leaders of religious Zionism are settlers themselves.

Itamar Ben Gvir, who was previously convicted of spreading racism against Israeli Arabs and supporting terrorism, and Bezalel Smotrich, who told Arab lawmakers that they were 'here by mistake'.

Ben Gvir was recorded last month waving his gun at stone throwers at a point of conflict in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood."

Ben-Gvir on the floor of the Knesset committee, photo: Noam Moshkovich, Knesset spokeswoman

The American news site "Axios" reported that officials in the administration already claim that the Biden administration will not come into contact with Ben Gabir, and although no decision has yet been officially made, the tendency around Biden is to avoid the chairman of Otzma Yehudit if and when he is appointed minister.

The news site The Arab who sees light in London "the new Arab" provided his own description of the chairman of Otzma Yehudit: "He is known for supporting Israeli terrorists, chanting hateful slogans against Arabs and Palestinians and leading settler parades in Palestinian neighborhoods in East Jerusalem, Ben Gabir represents a particularly extreme version of Israeli oppression."

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