The Limited Times

Fontana, Letizia Moratti looks to the left and not from today

11/2/2022, 12:23:20 PM

"The doubts I had expressed about the political positioning of Letizia Moratti were well founded. It is clear that she is looking to the left and not from today": this is how the president of Lombardy Attilio Fontana after the resignation of Letizia Moratti. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - MILAN, 02 NOV - "The doubts I had expressed about the political position of Letizia Moratti were well founded. It is clear that looks to the left and not from today": this is how the president of Lombardy Attilio Fontana after the resignation of Letizia Moratti.

    "It is surprising that the councilor for Welfare declares today that the action of the Giunta is not enough. He has been a part of it for a year and a half and I do not think he has ever raised any problems - added Fontana - What counts today is that excellent work on the vaccination campaign and on the recovery of the performances held back by Covid, it cannot stop ".