The Limited Times

From today also in Israel: running for the climate Israel today

11/2/2022, 11:53:07 AM

The longest relay race in the world that started on the road from Glasgow about a month ago also arrived in Israel just before its end. The baton was passed to the local representatives and in it was a message to world leaders: the time to deal with the climate crisis is running out, it's time to wake up

The longest relay race in the world - Running out of time, whose purpose, as its name implies, is to raise global awareness of the fact that the time left for us as humanity to act in order to deal with the climate crisis is running out, arrived in Israel after it had already passed through 16 countries for 33 days.

The baton with the important message that was carried from hand to hand, was transferred through the sea from the representatives of Cyprus to the surfer and Olympic champion Gal Friedman who carried it to the beach.

There he was awaited by representatives of the "Ecoation" association, which leads the race here in Israel and serves as the representative of the international FEE environmental education fund.

In the unique race that was initiated by The World Relay organization and which was launched at the end of September from Glasgow in Scotland where the last climate conference was held, about 250,000 participants from all over the world take part, with Israel being one stop before the last on the route.

After staying here for four days and passing through the entire country, the baton will reach the border crossing in Taba and will be handed over to the Egyptian representatives who will carry it to the end point in Sharm el-Sheikh.

The message contained in it will be revealed to world leaders in a large and well-publicized event that will be held near the launch of the climate conference, which will be held in the great city of Sinai between the 6th and 18th of November, and in doing so, it will complete a path of approximately 7,800 kilometers.

Yaniv Bleicher, director of the environmental management department at the "Equasion" association: "The climate crisis is the most real threat to humanity and it is our duty to do everything to minimize the damage caused by it and to prepare for its consequences. The call of the hundreds of thousands of runners from all over the world is to wake up because it is our time to take care of it simply Running out".

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