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Leaked medical documents: Vladimir Putin has Parkinson's and cancer and is "full of steroids and psychiatric drugs" - voila! news

11/2/2022, 10:11:24 PM

According to leaked documents, the Russian leader is taking medication to help him manage his life as he battles Parkinson's disease and cancer and is on a "secret cocktail overdose"

Putin warns in a speech in Moscow about "the most dangerous decade since the world war" (Reuters)

President Vladimir Putin is "regularly pumped full of all kinds of heavy steroids" to ease his battle with his deteriorating health, leaked spy documents have revealed, which claim the 70-year-old Russian leader suffers from early-stage Parkinson's disease and pancreatic cancer.

It is also claimed there that Putin has "lost his sanity" and is taking a secret cocktail of psychotropic drugs.

This disclosure comes as rumors surrounding his health continue to circulate and intelligence sources in Western countries hint that the Russian president is fighting for his life.

In the past it was reported that Putin is regularly accompanied by a medical team that monitors his condition and treats him if necessary.

Kremlin officials have always denied claims that anything was wrong with his health.

But that didn't stop Western officials from analyzing his situation, with the former head of MI6, Sir Richard Dearlieb, even saying that in his estimation, Putin would eventually be sent to a medical institution and disappear from the world stage by 2023.

Rumors that Putin was suffering from cancer resurfaced recently after he was documented with marks on the back of his hand - which were similar to those caused by infusion therapy.

A sign on the back of Putin's hand (photo: screenshot, officejjsmart)

Now Britain's Sun has revealed emails from a Russian intelligence source that appear to confirm that Putin has Parkinson's and pancreatic cancer.

The source, described as close to the Kremlin, claimed in an email: "I can confirm that he was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at an early stage, but it has already progressed since then. Putin is regularly pumped full of all kinds of heavy steroids and innovative injections for pain relief to stop the spread of his newly diagnosed pancreatic cancer.

" This not only causes him a lot of pain, Putin also has facial swelling and other side effects - including memory defects," the source wrote, "in addition, in his close circle there are rumors that in addition to pancreatic cancer, which is gradually spreading throughout his body, Putin also has prostate cancer."

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Nuclear explosion GIF (Photo: Giphy)

In addition, the leaked documents reveal that Putin receives "top secret drugs" that were personally invented for him.

The "psychotropic" drugs help Putin get an "energetic boost to try and hide how sick he really is" during key meetings and public appearances, the Russian insider said.

"He's really crazy - he's really lost his mind," claimed the source close to the Russian security services.

"He is in a hallucinatory state under the influence of overdoses of the psychotropic drugs that are injected into him."

Psychotropic drugs change the functions of the nervous system and lead to changes in perception, mood, cognition or behavior.

According to the report, the special pill made for Putin is similar to meldonium - a drug invented in the 1980s for KGB officers in Afghanistan.

"It works on the principle of increasing blood flow in the body and improving the endurance of the fighter," the insider said in the leaked emails.

"For Putin, an ingredient that suppresses the state of psychological instability and any element of feeling fear or danger is added to the medicine."

Putin is afraid of poisoning and therefore also increased the dosage of drugs to prevent it, the source said.

"In rare meetings with the public or with journalists, Putin tries not to touch anything with his hands because he does not trust anyone. He is afraid that he will be poisoned by touching things - if he drinks any liquid, all the bottles and glasses are immediately confiscated by his bodyguards and checked ".

Putin also ordered a new supply of anti-radiation drugs for himself and his inner circle amid fears of an all-out nuclear war, the leaked emails claim.

The insider wrote: "We are talking about substances such as Enderlin, which is a radiotherapeutic agent, as well as Ferrocin, Compofron, Paraphenazine (Ataperazine) and Lanterna."

Ataprazin is an antipsychotic drug - while Compofron is a new generation drug that can treat heavy metal poisoning and radioactive radiation.

"He's really crazy - he's really lost his mind", (Photo: Giphy)

'absolutely insane'

Another source told Sun Online that Putin's latest diagnosis must have fueled his paranoia.

"He is completely insane - he seems to suffer from excruciating paranoia and persistent hallucinations. Perhaps this is exacerbated by his Parkinson's, or the terminal cancer he was diagnosed with." Ukraine.

In "The Sun" it was reported that the political analyst Valery Solovey claims that Putin suffers from a number of serious illnesses - including cancer, Parkinson's disease and schizoaffective disorder.

Solovyi said his health was "deteriorating dramatically rapidly" - and speculated that Putin's medical condition was affecting his judgment in the war.

Game theory expert Georgi Egorov warned that a nuclear strike seems "logical" for Putin if he only has a few months to live.

He told the Russian newspaper Novaya Gazeta: "It makes sense for Putin to use nuclear weapons only in one situation - if the rumors about his health problems are true. If he only has a few months left to live - he does not want to go down in history as a loser."

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