The Limited Times

Nice attack: the confusing maneuvers of the terrorist's friend

11/2/2022, 7:35:51 PM

REPORT OF THE HEARING - Appearing free at the trial of the Nice attack, Mohamed Ghraieb dodged the questions.


I have the impression of pulling the worms out of your nose...

" Pronounced in a neutral tone, the formula is from Laurent Raviot, who presides over the proceedings of the trial of the Nice attack.

It is addressed to Mohamed Ghraieb, one of the main defendants appearing free and under judicial supervision before the special assize court.

On Wednesday, it was time for the personality interrogation for this 46-year-old man, friend for years of the Islamist terrorist Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel and accused of having been aware of the existence of a criminal plan without knowing the details. nor have lent a hand.

In an assize trial, the personality interrogation is always an essential moment.

Laurent Raviot is also keen to explain very clearly to the interested party the importance of this: “

We judge people on facts and on their personality


Examination “


”, adds the president because it allows in particular to have an opinion on their “



Read alsoNice attack: was there a failure in the security system?

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