The Limited Times

Prime Minister's Conference: Söder praises constructive talks

11/2/2022, 8:17:16 PM

After the MPK resolutions in Berlin, Bavaria's head of government, Söder, continues to see controversial issues: It was a mistake to be left with no relief solution for citizens and companies with energy prices in January.

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Bavaria's Prime Minister Söder: mistakes and achievements

Photo: IMAGO/Bernd Elmenthaler

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder

(CSU) described the talks between the federal and state governments on relief in the energy crisis

as constructive.

But there were "itch points," he told Bavarian Radio on Wednesday evening.

So it was a mistake to be standing there without a solution for citizens and companies in terms of energy prices in January, Söder criticized after the end of the talks between the state heads of government and the Federal Chancellor.

The Bavarian Prime Minister also criticized the lack of funding for oil and pellet heating.

"Most countries are very concerned about the oil, because in the end it's not fair that gas customers in particular get a complete replacement and someone who has an oil heating system can only be considered an emergency or hardship."

An important achievement is the agreement on local transport, said Söder.

"The way for the 49-euro ticket is now clear," he emphasized.

However, the federal government's regionalization funds for the states are still not enough.

Söder had criticized the traffic light coalition in the federal government at the CSU party conference at the weekend as "one of the weakest governments that we have ever had in the Federal Republic of Germany".

After the agreement, the Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate,

Malu Dreyer

(SPD), expects the help to reach the people quickly.

"We can't cushion all the additional costs, but with the gas and electricity price brake, the Deutschlandticket and the tax breaks for low earners and the flattening of the cold progression, we have created considerable help that people will quickly and specifically feel in their wallets," explained Dreyer.

"We'll join hands and we'll solve our country's problems together," said

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz

(SPD) after the deliberations between the prime ministers of the federal states and himself.

The agreement on the financing of relief measures was prepared very carefully and then found quickly.

Saarland Prime Minister

Anke Rehlinger

(SPD) emphasized the scope of the planned relief measures in the energy crisis.

"Enormous sums are being moved, even more than in the corona crisis," said the head of government on Wednesday evening after the federal and state consultations in Berlin.

"All those responsible want to relieve the burden on the citizens quickly and effectively because we know how much the high prices are depressing." It is also about preserving companies and securing jobs.

The chairman of the conference of prime ministers, Lower Saxony's head of government,

Stephan Weil

(SPD), said that issues that had been the subject of disputes between the federal and state governments for months could be cleared up.

North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister

Hendrik Wüst

(CDU) spoke of the clarity that people need to get through the winter well.

Minister of State for Culture

Claudia Roth

was also pleased with the decision that cultural institutions should also be given targeted help with the relief measures.

"We have agreed with everyone involved that the economic stabilization fund will provide one billion euros for cultural institutions," said the Green politician in a statement.

»Today is a good day for culture in Germany.«
