The Limited Times

South Korea: North Korea fires another ballistic missile

11/2/2022, 11:35:19 PM

South Korea: North Korea fires another ballistic missile Created: 03/11/2022, 00:16 South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol (l) speaks during a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) in the President's Office. © Uncredited/South Korea Presidential Office/dpa North Korea has been testing missiles relentlessly since the beginning of the year. So also this week. Seoul - North Korea has fired

South Korea: North Korea fires another ballistic missile

Created: 03/11/2022, 00:16

South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol (l) speaks during a meeting of the National Security Council (NSC) in the President's Office.

© Uncredited/South Korea Presidential Office/dpa

North Korea has been testing missiles relentlessly since the beginning of the year.

So also this week.

Seoul - North Korea has fired another missile, according to the South Korean military.

The ballistic missile was fired in the direction of the Sea of ​​Japan (Korean: East Sea) on Thursday, the Yonhap news agency reported, citing the military.

Despite international criticism, North Korea has been carrying out missile tests at an unusually high frequency since the end of September.

According to the South Korean military, the country had fired more than 20 rockets on the east and west coasts throughout the day on Wednesday.

In the morning (local time), a short-range missile crossed the eastern South Korean maritime border line.

The General Staff said it fell into the sea about 60 kilometers from the coast of South Korea.

South Korea's military responded accordingly and, according to its own statements, fired three air-to-surface missiles from fighter jets into the open sea north of the border line.

The new North Korean missile tests were seen in South Korea in response to the largest air force exercise by South Korean and US forces in several years.

North Korea had accused the two countries of "reckless" military provocations and threatened countermeasures.

The multi-day exercises in South Korea will continue until Friday.


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