The Limited Times

The "pressure cooker" effect of the holidays? A surge in applicants for divorce proceedings Israel today

11/2/2022, 7:53:51 PM

And you left on your holiday: a hundred percent increase in the number of searches on Google for the words "betrayal", "divorce" and "alimony" • Reasons: the sequence of Tishrei holidays, which caused the lack of frameworks for children and an increase in family expenses • "The economic situation overwhelmed many couples"

Prefer to split up: According to a recent study carried out by the company Electro, which deals with the analysis of internet surfing, there was a hundreds of percent increase in the number of searches on Google for the words "betrayal", "divorce", "alimony" and "gray market loans" after the current Tishrei holidays compared to the rest all year round

Why do couples divorce?

// Photos: GettyImages // Why do couples divorce?

// Photos: GettyImages,

The possible reason for the increase in the scope of the search for these topics could be the sequence of Tishrei holidays that could have caused a feeling of being in a "pressure cooker" - and this due to the lack of frameworks for children, an increase in family expenses, a jump in the cost of living, and more.

According to Paz Schwartz, vice chairman of the Private Investigators Chamber, "We have experienced in the last two weeks a drastic increase in the number of people contacting us for the purposes of ordering an investigation in the field of matrimonial law.

In our estimation, this is a 150% jump compared to other days during the year."

The Mediators Office in Israel reports a significant increase of about 40% in the number of people applying to them.

"This is about the release of a pressure cooker that boiled during the holidays and is now exploding," notes Nir Tel-Paz, deputy chairman of the bureau.

The holiday season is supposed to be happy, a time when the couple spends time with the children, eat festive meals together, meet with friends and the extended family, but sometimes these situations carry a danger to relationships in general and the marital system in particular.

The tension is only rising

Lawyers in the field of family law report a significant increase in the volume of referrals for advice during the holidays.

Attorney Ronan Daliho, an expert in family law, explains that the intensity of spending a lot of time in the bosom of the family, along with the fact that many problems that are normally suppressed and neglected, surface and rise at this time and serve as a catalyst for marital crises: "Tensions, anger and frustrations gain significant expression during The one where the couple spends a long time in each other's company, and the meeting with the extended family also creates quite a few disputes and tensions."

Attorney Ronan Daliho, an expert in family law, says that "over the years we have witnessed a significant increase in decisions to break up the marital relationship and divorce after the holidays.

It seems that this year it joins the dire economic situation.

In a reality where couples find it difficult to close the month, romance is pushed to the side and the troubles of existence do not give rest."

spend much more

Another aspect that significantly intensifies intra-family pressure is the spike in the expenses of parental homes in Israel during the holidays.

According to SBA company data, this year in September we spent more than NIS 38.811 billion on credit cards - an increase of 21.4% compared to 2021.

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