The Limited Times

Matteo Salvini: 'More penalties for those who drive drunk'

11/3/2022, 5:53:55 PM

According to the Asaps Observatory on road accidents, 29 people died in the last weekend. The minister: 'I work on changes to the Codes' (ANSA)

Increased penalties for those who commit a road murder under the influence of drugs or alcohol

, therefore beyond the maximum of twelve years currently envisaged, and in general an increase in penalties for those who drive drunk or get behind the wheel after taking drugs.

Infrastructure Minister

Matteo Salvini

is studying the tightening to avoid "too many tragedies and save lives".

An announcement that comes after yet another accident, this time in

Reggio Emilia

, where a 32-year-old crashed his car into an uninhabited rustic: four people lost their lives, the 22-year-old partner, their one-and-a-half-year-old son, her brother and sister, aged 9 and 11.

The tests carried out in the hospital, where the young man is hospitalized in critical condition, found various

drugs and alcohol in the blood


The news of the episode was commented by the Lega Deputy Prime Minister himself, who in a post on Facebook took the opportunity by letting it be known that he was working to

"intervene on the Codes"

and make the rules even harsher against the guilty in these cases. .


Chief of Police, Lamberto Giannini

, also spoke on the subject, who mentioned "the responsibility of the managers of the premises to have organizations and provide adequate services", but "an important education" is equally necessary, which comes "from in the context of families and schools. In particular, an information campaign is needed to highlight how many pitfalls there are in dangerous driving ".

After all, the data provided by the

Asaps Observatory, the Polstrada supporters association

, recorded 29 deaths on Italian roads in the last weekend of October (from 28 to 30 of the month): in 72 hours, 14 motorists lost their lives, eleven motorcyclists, two pedestrians, a cyclist and a truck driver.

No fatal accidents occurred on the motorway, many of them on the main extra-urban roads (16).

The leaking of vehicles without the involvement of third parties was the cause of 17 victims.

Among the 29 victims, 12 were under the age of 35, including three children aged 2, 10 and 12.

There are 32 children who lost their lives on the roads in 2022, while in all of 2021 there were 29. These figures were then updated by the

accidents of the last two days:

among these, the death of a 48 year old from Colli a Volturno (Isernia) hit on the state road in Molise by a pirate of the road.

In these hours, two motorbikes were seized by the carabinieri and two people were heard in the barracks as part of the investigation.

Fifteen days ago, however, the tragedy of Francesco Valdiserri

, the young 18-year-old who lost his life after being hit in


on the sidewalk by a woman who later tested positive for alcohol tests

, had aroused the participation and condolences of the political world .


Giorgia Meloni also attended the funeral,

in his first public appearance as premier, the president of the Senate, Ignazio La Russa, as well as several ministers, from Antonio Tajani to Annamaria Bernini and Francesco Lollobrigida, and the secretary of the Pd, Enrico Letta.

"Two weeks ago my son died - wrote Francesco's mother in a tweet -. We were sinking but an incredible wave of affection kept us afloat. Your every word counted. In the agony, we will try to keep alive the memory of Fra. And to fight to protect all the Brothers in the world ".