The Limited Times

Berlin – Reporting on the concrete mixer accident: "I don't see any agitation"

11/4/2022, 4:00:41 PM

After the fatal accident in Berlin, activists criticized the reporting as a "wave of allegations, untruths and hate speech". The German Association of Journalists considers the "critical commentary" to be appropriate.

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Stuck to the Asphalt: Hands of 'Last Generation' Activists

Photo: Paul Zinken / picture alliance / dpa

The German Association of Journalists (DJV) has rejected criticism of the group »Last Generation« towards the media.

"I don't see any agitation in the reporting," DJV spokesman Hendrik Zörner told the AFP news agency on Friday.

"The 'last generation' has to put up with the fact that the accident is reported in the media."

The group had sharply criticized the "media landscape" after the death of a cyclist who was run over by a cement mixer, whose rescue may have been hampered by climate blockades.

In a statement, the group complained, among other things, of a “wave of accusations, untruths and hate speech”.

She accuses the "media landscape" of "fictionally exaggerating a situation in this form and thus delegitimizing democratic protest in a crisis situation".

Zörner replied that the media had the task of "reporting appropriately".

It is not surprising that there is now "critical commentary" on the protests in both traditional and social media.

Because the accident is an “event that polarizes”.

The cyclist was hit and run over by a concrete mixer on Monday.

She died in hospital on Thursday evening.

A special fire brigade vehicle had been stuck in a traffic jam for a long time due to a road blockade by climate activists and had therefore arrived late at the scene of the accident.

The Berlin police filed criminal charges against two climate activists from the group "Last Generation" for, among other things, failure to provide assistance.


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