The Limited Times

In Texas, the Republican Faith of Evangelical Hispanics

11/4/2022, 5:18:54 PM

REPORT – As with every election, the two dominant parties seem to understand that, far from forming a homogeneous bloc, Hispanics are like everyone else divided, and for some undecided.

Special Envoy to Hidalgo (Texas)

The “

Get out the vote” event

(“Go Vote”), organized by the campaign team of Trumpist Republican candidate Monica De La Cruz, appears to have attracted only Hispanics.

But it is true that the border town of McAllen (Hidalgo County), in the far south of Texas, is 90% Latino and that more Spanish is spoken there than English, unless it is “Spanglish”. , a mixture of the two languages.

Two hundred people are expected in this car park where a red tent has been set up dotted with round tables, also red, reserved for notables, we are told.

In front of the tent, a stage with musical instruments, for the moment occupied by a bearded, disheveled, tattooed troubadour, in a tank top, who suddenly stops singing to praise the merits of famous elected Trumpists and predict the end of the world, or something close to it,

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