The Limited Times

Mammoth project canal and water pipe construction: Big things are coming up for the Walpertskirchener

11/4/2022, 10:07:06 AM

Mammoth project canal and water pipe construction: Big things are coming up for the Walpertskirchener Created: 11/04/2022, 11:00 am Major upcoming tasks and successfully completed construction projects to secure the future: The audience at the Walpertskirchen citizens' meeting in the multi-purpose hall was informed about this. © Vroni Vogel The mammoth sewer and water pipe construction project

Mammoth project canal and water pipe construction: Big things are coming up for the Walpertskirchener

Created: 11/04/2022, 11:00 am

Major upcoming tasks and successfully completed construction projects to secure the future: The audience at the Walpertskirchen citizens' meeting in the multi-purpose hall was informed about this.

© Vroni Vogel

The mammoth sewer and water pipe construction project is pending in Walpertskirchen.

This safeguarding of the future will cost the citizens a lot.


– The municipality of Walpertskirchen has already completed major projects such as the new children's home in the town centre, the commercial area in Ringelsdorf and the WA3 building area.

Further mammoth measures in sewer and water pipe construction to secure the future are in progress and will cost the citizens a lot.

(By the way: everything from the region is now also available in our regular Erding newsletter.)

Municipal leader Franz Hörmann (CSU) announced at the citizens' meeting in the multi-purpose hall that there should be an information evening on this topic on January 26, 2023.

It should also be about the financial burden for the individual.

"The costs for the individual measures must always be borne by all of the connecters" and would affect the entire supply area, says Hörmann.

When it comes to sewage disposal, one also has to think about whether a new sewage treatment plant or a connection to the special-purpose association should take place.

The aging municipal sewage treatment plant from the 1970s was expanded in the 1990s and upgraded in 2019, and the operating license was granted for a limited period of ten years (we reported).

The sewage system in the Am Hof/Bürgermeister-Renner-Strasse area is currently being renewed.

The construction site facilities extend to Bahnhofstrasse.

The costs amount to around 1.15 million, with a grant of 40 percent expected from hardship funding.

Due to the cramped conditions and because the work takes place up to 5.50 meters below street level, this canal construction is "extremely difficult and time-consuming", says Hörmann.

The completion of the measure with asphalting should be accomplished mostly by the end of November.

However, after the water pipe in the Am Hof ​​section had “partially significant defects”, it would have to be renewed next year.

Therefore, the road will only be asphalted after the pipeline construction has been completed in 2023.

In her speech, the former municipal councilor Katharina Brunnauer referred to the misleading construction site signs and suggested improving them.

Your suggestion was accepted.

Hörmann announced that the January meeting would also provide information about the expansion of the local heating supply and the further expansion of fiber optics.

With this self-sufficient expansion of Telekom, 700 households could have fiber optics “to their homes” free of charge and without being forced to connect and with the option of choosing between four providers.

"Every individual is challenged," emphasized Hörmann on the energy supply, with the main focus being on savings.

The municipality has provided recommendations for action for public and municipal buildings, including schools, kindergartens and building yards.

The points of consumption are constantly monitored.

There are considerations to reduce street lighting and to temporarily abandon the use of individual rooms.

With the installed PV systems for municipal power generation, the electricity requirements of around 200 households are currently covered.

It is being investigated whether another system can be installed on the school roof.

In the event of a power failure, the municipality has taken various emergency precautions - emergency power generators, mobile power generators, PV systems with power storage.

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The municipality will also be busy with the realization of the WA4 building area, whereby "a compact construction method with significantly smaller plots of land" is to be launched here in order to create affordable living space in view of the immensely increased land and building prices.

Hörmann provided information on the schedule here.

The planning contract for the development is to be awarded in 2023.

The first phase for the development and the award process is scheduled for 2024, construction and sale in 2025.

The mayor named considerations on the use of the old kindergarten, the revision of the land use plan and the acquisition of land as further tasks for the next year.

Vroni Vogel