The Limited Times

Mask requirement when shopping? Kaufland has already reacted – the consequences would be fatal

11/4/2022, 2:11:57 PM

Mask requirement when shopping? Kaufland has already reacted – the consequences would be fatal Created: 04/11/2022 15:06 By: Dominik Jahn The debate about the obligation to wear masks indoors in winter continues. The focus here is on supermarkets and discounters. Kaufland and Lidl have already taken a stand on their line. According to the trade association, the consequences of new regulations w

Mask requirement when shopping?

Kaufland has already reacted – the consequences would be fatal

Created: 04/11/2022 15:06

By: Dominik Jahn

The debate about the obligation to wear masks indoors in winter continues.

The focus here is on supermarkets and discounters.

Kaufland and Lidl have already taken a stand on their line.

According to the trade association, the consequences of new regulations would be fatal.

For a few days there has been a discussion about stricter regulations for mouth and nose protection indoors.

Kaufland and Lidl reacted with a clear line on the subject of mask requirements when shopping, as


Now there are also gloomy forecasts from the Baden-Württemberg trade association.

The statements by Health Minister Manne Lucha on the subject of wearing masks indoors are particularly worrying for those responsible.

It could happen quickly under certain circumstances, he said a few days ago.

Mask requirement when shopping for Kaufland and Co. with fatal consequences

When asked by the editors, the German trade association was still very reluctant to make statements about the mask requirement for supermarkets and discounters such as Kaufland or Lidl a few days ago.

The Baden-Württemberg trade association is now reacting differently.








21 billion euros (2019)

In an official statement, those responsible take a clear position.

Sabine Hagmann, General Manager of the Baden-Württemberg Retail Association (HBW) explains: “A renewed obligation to wear masks would further fuel the reluctance to buy and increase the already huge accumulated sales losses of over 12 percent on average.

The result would be further branch and business closures.”

The statements made by HBW are in line with the spirit of the Schwarz Group with its sister companies Kaufland and Lidl, as well as many other retailers.

Here, too, it was explained to


"the measures must always be measured against the criteria of proportionality and effectiveness".

Mask requirement when shopping: There is a risk of shop closures

And according to Hagmann, this is where the problem lies: "Due to the current situation with skyrocketing energy prices, which are quadrupling on average, inflation-driven consumer reluctance to buy and the resulting drop in sales, 10 percent of retailers have already had to close branches or even their entire close shop.

Another 35 percent are currently dealing with such a scenario.”

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With the expected closing numbers, local supply, retail diversity and the inner cities in Baden-Württemberg would suffer massively.

Most recently, the Berlin Senator for Health and the Brandenburg Minister of Health had prepared a mask requirement for publicly accessible interiors and thus also for retail.

Trade association supports Kaufland and Co. against the impending obligation to wear a mask

The trade is also following the statements of the Baden-Württemberg Health Minister Lucha with great concern.

Hagmann: "As various studies have repeatedly shown since the beginning of the pandemic, retail was not and is not a driver of the corona pandemic.

The evaluation of the measures also made this clear.”

A reintroduction of the obligation to wear masks when shopping would therefore be

"absolutely disproportionate at this point in time, especially in view of the resulting dramatic consequences for retail in Baden-Württemberg


The HBW is

counting on “that the Baden-Württemberg state government has learned the lessons of the last two and a half years and is refraining from making masks compulsory in retail”


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