The Limited Times

Motorized two-wheelers: technical control in force next June?

11/4/2022, 8:42:09 PM

The Ministry of Transport, which organized a first consultation meeting on Friday, plans to set up technical control for

Four days after the decision of the Council of State to restore technical control for motorized two-wheelers, the Ministry of Transport organized an initial consultation with the various actors concerned, as it had promised.

This exchange took place this Friday, November 4, at the end of the day, and it allows us to see a little more clearly on the timetable for the implementation of the system.

Minister Clément Beaune, present at this meeting with environmental defense associations and the DGEC (General Directorate for Energy and Climate), confirmed the establishment of a technical inspection for scooters and motorcycles.

This means that machines with engines over 125 cm3, but also small displacements of 50 cm3, will be affected by the measure.

The ministry undertook to update the decree of 2021, repealed last summer - decision finally canceled by the Council of State -, before publishing an application decree which will define the details of the device (checkpoints, periodicity , settings…).

It should be a matter of a few weeks, since the government has promised that the texts in question will be ready before the end of the year.

A public consultation must then be held at the beginning of 2023, for entry into force of the technical control by the end of the first half of next year.

The price of a control is between 10 euros and 40 euros in Italy

For the moment, the various points such as the periodicity and the cost are still under discussion.

But we know that in Europe, the price of a control is between 10 euros and 40 euros in Italy.

We can imagine that France is in this range.

For the periodicity, the State would be inclined to follow the provisions already provided for in the 2021 decree. Namely, a first check within six months preceding the expiry of a period of four years from the date of the first entry into service, then a periodic inspection renewed every two years or in the event of transfer of the vehicle (if the inspection did not take place six months before).

All these questions must still be refined as of next week, the ministry having planned to receive the representative associations of users of motorized two-wheelers this Tuesday.

The French Federation of Angry Bikers continues for its part to contest the implementation of this device and calls on its members and sympathizers to demonstrate this Saturday in Paris, avenue Foch (16th arrondissement).

A petition against the technical control had collected this Friday evening nearly 23,000 signatures.