The Limited Times

Pupi Avati, all right, nothing serious, I'll be out soon

11/4/2022, 5:48:48 PM

"All right, I'll get out soon. I only had heart failure on November 2, the day before my birthday, but nothing serious. Doctors say I'm reacting well. Luckily no heart attack that I actually had when I was fifty years. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOVEMBER 04 - "All right, I'll get out soon. I only had heart failure on November 2, the day before my birthday, but nothing serious. The doctors say that I was reacting well. Fortunately no heart attack except in I already had reality when I was fifty. I'm only sorry I had to stop shooting the film (La quattordicesimadomenica) ".

So, on the phone with ANSA, Pupi Avati, 84, talks about his state of health from the Sant'Orsola Hospital in Bologna where he is hospitalized.


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