The Limited Times

Armel Le Cléac'h tells us about "his" Route du rhum, between abandonment, injury and childhood memories

11/5/2022, 9:49:13 AM

For years the skipper has dreamed of winning the Route du rhum, which starts this Sunday. In May, we accompanied him to Guadeloupe, where

In Guadeloupe, between Basse-Terre and Les Saintes, we sometimes meet strange people.

He may have completed several trips around the world, Armel Le Cléac'h is still as dazzled when a whale appears.

Under the sparkling sun of May, the spectacle is magical.

Six months before the start of the mythical Route du rhum, which will start this Sunday, November 6 in Saint-Malo, Armel Le Cléac'h came to scout the place.

In particular to tame this tour of the island, justice of the peace because of its sometimes capricious winds, the crossing of the Atlantic.

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