The Limited Times

Energy, transport, food... How Malaunay, a Norman town, made its green revolution

11/5/2022, 12:06:18 PM

THE PARISIAN WEEK-END. Solidarity initiatives, organic and local food, mix of renewable energies, sustainable housing, etc. By taking to b

Spinach, lamb's lettuce and blue borage flowers bloom on the corner of rue Léon-Malandin.

An artery lined with low houses that climbs towards the wooded heights of Malaunay, a peaceful Norman town located north of Rouen, in Seine-Maritime.

Along the vegetable garden shared between residents of the neighborhood, a small bench has been added for a walker who comes daily to smoke his cigar.

It's autumn, but this corner of asphalt that they reclaimed a year ago remains a meeting place, whatever the weather.

You have to weed, mulch, split the strawberry plants, get a last zucchini.

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