The Limited Times

German Prime Minister of Saxony calls for an urgent peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine

11/5/2022, 5:37:04 PM

BERLIN, SANA- Prime Minister of the German federal state of Saxony Michael Kretschmer called for an urgent peace settlement for the conflict


The Prime Minister of the German federal state of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, called for an urgent peaceful settlement of the conflict in Ukraine and for dialogue with Russia.

“The war never ends on the battlefield, but always behind the negotiating table, and the sooner the weapons are silenced, the better,” RIA Novosti quoted Kretschmer as saying during a conference of the Christian Democratic Union party, noting that it is important to allow negotiations between the two parties to the conflict. .

He added: "Russia will remain a neighbor of the European Union and must talk and negotiate with it again and trade with it."

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