The Limited Times

In the Netherlands, environmental activists block the departure of private jets

11/5/2022, 2:00:32 PM

Activists from Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion are carrying out an action this Saturday at Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.

New operation punch of green activists.

In the Netherlands this Saturday, activists from Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion blocked the departure of several private jets from Schiphol airport in Amsterdam.

Some were seated in front of the devices while others were riding their bicycles.

Een #privéjet is de allervervuilendste handle om te reizen.

5 tot 14 keer vervuilender dan met een 'normaal' vliegtuig.

Vandaag blokkeren we deze bullshit vluchten samen met @NLRebellion.

Eleven eis?

Geen privatejets en ultrakorte vluchten meer ✊ #krimpluchtvaart

— Greenpeace Nederland (@GreenpeaceNL) November 5, 2022

BREKEND vandaag blokkeren @GreenpeaceNL en Extinction Rebellion alle privvluchten op Schiphol!

Rebellen en Greenpeace-activisten hebben zich vastgeketend aan alle privatejets op de VIP-terminal op Schiphol #schiphol #SOSvoorhetklimaat

— Extinction Rebellion Nederland (@NLRebellion) November 5, 2022

“Our requirement?

The end of private jets and ultra-short flights”, they wrote on Twitter, referring to a “most polluting means of transport”.

Read alsoPollutants, symbols of wealth... Private jets, a high-level issue for the government

In mid-October, the environmental organization Greenpeace had already denounced on Thursday the climate impact of the sharp increase in the number of private jet flights from Dutch airports, pleading for their ban.

In the first nine months of 2022, some 16,147 private flights were operated to and from Schiphol and Rotterdam airports, more private flights than in all of 2019, before the pandemic, Greepeace showed in a study .