The Limited Times

Loïc Féry, president of Lorient, 4th in Ligue 1: "Humility is not incompatible with ambition"

11/5/2022, 7:18:49 AM

Before receiving the PSG, this Sunday, the Lorient president draws up a first largely positive assessment of the course of the Bretons. He returns

Even if the Merlus are currently marking time with two draws and a defeat in Ligue 1, they welcome PSG this Sunday, November 6 (1 p.m.) crowned with a convincing 4th place.

In office for fourteen years, Loïc Féry is delighted with this first third of the championship bearing the seal of Régis Le Bris, appointed to replace Christophe Pélissier this summer.

The Lorient president explains, in particular, the genesis of this strong choice.

It also displays its ambitions and details its modus operandi.

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