The Limited Times

NBA: “I do not tolerate it. I do not respect it”, regrets LeBron James after the Irving affair

11/5/2022, 8:00:26 PM

The Los Angeles Lakers star came out of his silence to give his opinion on the anti-Semitism affair that splatters his former teammate.

LeBron James, leader of the Lakers, long remained silent despite the concert of criticism in the NBA targeting Kyrie Irving for having promoted an anti-Semitic film, estimated Friday evening that his ex-teammate in Cleveland “has caused harm to a lot of people. people ".

“It doesn't matter the color of your skin, your size, the position you occupy.

If you promote or say things that are harmful to any community, that hurt a lot of people, then I don't respect it," James said after his team's loss to the Utah Jazz (130- 116).

“I don't tolerate it.

I don't respect it," insisted the four-time NBA winner, saying Irving's belated apology Thursday night, made under duress hours after he was suspended for at least five games by his team, the Brooklyn Nets. , did not repair the damage.

"I don't condone any hate. To any kind, any race...What Kyrie did caused some harm to a lot of people...I don't respect it."

LeBron James on the drama surrounding former running mate Kyrie Irving 🗣

(via @michaelcorvoNBA)

— ClutchPoints (@ClutchPointsApp) November 5, 2022

On October 27, Kyrie Irving, with conspiratorial leanings, posted on his Instagram and Twitter accounts the poster of "Hebrews to Negroes: Wake Up Black America" ​​and links to the Amazon site allowing you to rent or buy this film containing, among other things, a quote attributed to Adolf Hitler and denying the reality of the Holocaust.

He then refused for a week to apologize, until the sanction imposed by his club.

The Brooklyn Nets point guard, whose executive-imposed five-game sideline could last longer, they hinted, has seen his partnership with Nike also suspended until further notice by the supplier this Friday night.

This scandal echoes the Kanye West affair.

Two weeks ago, the rapper, after writing that he was going to attack the Jews, had seen Adidas and other brands stop their collaboration.

LeBron James took the opportunity to discuss the artist's recent participation in his talk show "The Shop", which he finally decided not to broadcast.

"You know what my position is," he told the media.

And that's part of the reason why I didn't want to air this episode.

We removed it from the archives.

Because it was a hateful conversation going on there.

That's not what I represent.

There is no place in this world for that.


James and Irving won an NBA title together in 2016 with the Cleveland Cavaliers against the Golden State Warriors, before the second asked to leave the following year for the Boston Celtics, where he did not leave an unforgettable memory.

At the Nets since 2019, he has continually been talked about for something other than his talent and his shimmering basketball, in particular by refusing to be vaccinated against Covid-19, which caused him to miss many matches and penalized his results team.

This summer, contacts had been established between the Nets and the Lakers, for a possible transfer of Irving to LA, James pushing for its realization, according to many media.

In vain.

Jeanie Buss, the owner of the Lakers, had vetoed, then splitting a cryptic tweet, although quite evocative of obvious frustration: “I miss Kobe (Bryant).
