The Limited Times

Rave: students, with a tight grip on the government, on the 18th in the square

11/5/2022, 3:24:45 PM

"Our concern is the vagueness of the decree: it provides a repressive tool that goes far beyond the so-called raves". (HANDLE)

"The introduction of the new anti-rave crime comes after the evacuation in Modena of a so-called" rave party ", with dozens and dozens of police arrests and arrests. The formulation of the decree - explains Alice Beccari, head of national communication of the Union of students - is

deliberately ambiguous and broad

, in fact, the definition of 'other people's land or buildings, public or private' includes: warehouses or fields where raves are organized, but also universities, workplaces, squares;

the expression 'a danger to public order may arise', on the other hand, is sufficiently vague to fall within the absolute discretion of the prefects and the government.

It is evident how easily this article of the penal code can be used to suppress the squares and occupations, whose specifications would fit perfectly into the "requirements" necessary to define them as a crime.

The new government is already carrying out an exercise of legislative power in a tacitly repressive and abrogating key of fundamental rights,

"It is no coincidence, therefore - continues Alice - that the same law comes after the occupation of the political science faculty of Sapienza: when the premier showed sympathy for the young people who would protest against her government and at the same time the student3 of the Sapienza were repressed with violence by the police. The right to strike and to demonstrate is enshrined in the constitution and as such must be safeguarded, but the Meloni government is already clear about the will of a tight grip that affects not only all students, but every social part that fights against this system every day. We will not be intimidated,

on November 18th we will be in the streets without any fear of your repression! "

Student network, there is real risk both applied to schools

"Our concern is the vagueness of the decree: it provides a repressive tool that goes well beyond the so-called raves. Given the vagueness of the provision and its content - which provides for a disproportion between crime and punishment - we fear it could be applied to pickets, certain types of strikes, occupations ".

To tell ANSA it is Luca Ianniello, for the Network of middle students.

National youth: does not suppress student dissent

"With the anti-rave decree the time in which the state pretends not to see who does not respect the rules finally ends. For too long, in fact, the organizers of these illegal events have considered Italy a free zone where you can do anything without respecting the rules ".

Fabio Roscani, president of National Youth, a youth movement that closely collaborates with the party and the community of the Brothers of Italy, says this to ANSA.

"Minister Bernini has made it clear that the rule will not affect schools and universities. Those who continue to argue the contrary are fueling a specious controversy. The invasion of buildings is already punished, the anti-rave rule only covers it. If art. 633 of the penal code has never been applied for schools and universities, it is not clear why the same conduct,

but more detailed should do it.

The anti rave party decree, therefore, in no way represses dissent, least of all of students.

The last time in Italy we saw the dissent of the boys who wanted to demonstrate peacefully suppressed, there was a Minister of the Interior and a government supported by the left, which, using the anticovid measures as a pretext, issued circulars that prevented the marches despite the 'covid emergency had been declared over ", concludes Roscani.

ANSA agency

Rave, the government opens to changes, "but the laws are respected" - Politics

The government is ready to accept constructive changes to the raves decree, but there is no discussion on one point: "we want to prevent the laws from being disregarded", underlines the premier.

Pnrr to be dealt with gracefully, green light to the drills.

Soon the meeting with the trade unions (ANSA)