The Limited Times

Tops / Flops Toulouse-Stade Français: thinning Théo Ntamack, a Parisian hinge who is looking for himself

11/5/2022, 5:25:12 PM

The first two of the Top 14 left on a logical draw at the start of the 10th day of Top 14. Discover the tops and flops of the editorial staff.


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  • Schedule and Top 14 results

  • Ranking Top 14

Thinning Théo Ntamack

Replaced third-line-wing following the tenure of Alexandre Roumat at the post of N.8, the young Théo Ntamack (20 years old) was one of the rare satisfactions of Toulouse in the first half.

Romain's brother, who is due to face Australia this Saturday evening with the Blues (9 p.m.), was able to improve the many balls he touched.

He managed several times to break tackles and to cross, even if he could have shown more accuracy in his transmissions.

A very good performance overall on the occasion of the draw of his team (16-16).

The pragmatism of Stade Français

For a long time, Gonzalo Quesada's men thought they had done it again last season, when they won Ernest-Wallon (28-29).

Despite little play produced, they dominated in conquest and occupation and concluded their first period with an opportunistic drop from Joris Segonds.

The Parisians then defended very well in the second, surprising the Toulouse on a try against Giovanni Habel-Kuffner (50th).

They finally cracked at the end of the match but still brought back two points from Haute-Garonne.

The replacement hinge of Stade Toulousain

After the defeat in Bayonne last weekend, Ugo Mola had decided to establish a new hinge with Paul Graou and Tim Nanai-Williams.

But it was ultimately the substitutes who made the difference, namely Maxime Page-Relo and Edgar Retière.

Both brought the speed and accuracy that the Rouge et Noir needed to come back to this meeting.

The second could even have been the hero by passing the transformation of the win after the mermaid, but found the post.


The Parra-Segonds hinge is looking for itself

It was only the second association of the season between Morgan Parra and Joris Segonds, and it showed.

Not that the two men had a bad match, far from it, but they were expected to speak about their experience against an opposing team and hinge deprived of its best elements.

They did not take the game on their own enough to destabilize Toulouse even more, however badly embarked on this match.

Cascading approximations

It was not a match for lovers of the beautiful game. Toulouse and Parisians never really managed to practice their rugby as there were so many faults, errors and approximations.

Symbol of mediocrity, a first half ended with a score of 3-6 for Stade Français.

It was better in the second act, with in particular three tries scored, but it was more "

hand game, naughty game

" than "

hand game, Toulouse game

" this afternoon.

Activists interrupt play

As we played the 15th minute of the match, two activists wearing “49-3 kills” t-shirts entered the lawn to climb on the crossbar, before attaching themselves to the poles.

The game was interrupted for a few minutes, the time to bring them down using a ladder.


It seemed to me that rugby was not political, but obviously some appropriate

it," said Ugo Mola, the Toulouse coach, at the microphone of Canal +.

The entertainment was in any case welcome in a very gloomy first act.