The Limited Times

Two activists stick to the frames of 'Las Majas' by Goya in the Prado Museum

11/5/2022, 2:42:20 PM

The environmentalists have made a graffiti with the slogan "+1.5º" between the two paintings to protest against global warming

Two activists from Futuro Vegetal have attached themselves this Saturday to the frames of the paintings of

The Naked Maja


The Clothed Maja

by Francisco de Goya exhibited at the Prado National Museum, in Madrid, as a sign of protest against the climate emergency.

In the middle of both paintings they have written the message "+1.5º" to "warn about the rise in global temperature that will cause an unstable climate and serious consequences throughout the planet."

In the early afternoon, government sources have confirmed that the police have taken the two activists, who have been evicted "without additional problems".

The painter and the brigade that moves the works have traveled to the museum to inspect the possible damage.

According to the same sources, the material used for the attack – the glue with which the activists have adhered to the frames and the spray they have used to paint the wall – was plastic, so they have been able to easily elude the detectors. of metals installed at the entrance.

The museum hopes to reopen the room tomorrow.

This protest is added to others that have occurred in recent weeks, such as that of two environmentalists who launched tomato soup in October at Vincent Van Gogh

's Sunflowers

, exhibited at the National Gallery in London.

Until today, the last of this type of act had occurred yesterday, Friday, in Rome, when four environmental activists threw pea soup on the painting

The Sower

(1988), also by Van Gogh, and glued themselves to the wall where it was exposed. , in the Bonaparte Palace museum in Rome.

The work, which is part of a temporary exhibition dedicated to the Dutch painter in the Italian capital, was not damaged because it was protected by glass, according to Camila Talfani, a spokeswoman for the show's organizers.

The assailants were members of Última Generación, an environmental organization that stressed in a statement that its objective was not to damage the painting, but rather to make society aware of climate change and its consequences, such as the lack of access to food suffered by some countries and populations that are forced to migrate from their homes for this reason.

[Breaking news.

There will be an update soon]

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