The Limited Times

USA: Nancy Pelosi sees "cause for concern" ahead of midterm elections

11/5/2022, 9:00:21 AM

Last week her husband was brutally attacked. Ahead of the congressional elections, Nancy Pelosi is now on Facebook - and describes "the fear of what's coming out there for poll workers and others."

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Nancy Pelosi in the Capitol - now she says there is "no question that our democracy is at stake"


Mariam Zuhaib / AP

US leader Nancy Pelosi sees "cause for concern" in the upcoming midterm congressional elections after the brutal attack on her husband.

"It made me realize the fear of what's to come for campaign workers and others out there," Pelosi said in a video posted to her Facebook page.

“The message is clear: there is cause for concern.

But we can't be afraid, we have to be brave," Pelosi said.

Paul Pelosi was attacked at his home last week.

The attacker was targeting the chair of the US House of Representatives, who was in the US capital Washington at the time of the attack.

The 42-year-old hit Pelosi's husband Paul with a hammer when police officers arrived, causing him a fractured skull, among other things.

Paul Pelosi was discharged from the hospital on Thursday.

»The Road to Chaos in America«

The brutal attack on Pelosi's husband has fueled fears of election-related violence in the US.

In a speech this week, President Joe Biden linked the attack on Pelosi to the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol by supporters of former President Donald Trump, calling violence "the road to chaos in America."

Referring to Tuesday's midterm elections, Pelosi said there was "no question that our democracy is at stake."

Pelosi, whose constituency is in San Francisco, has been the Speaker of the House for the second time since 2019.

The 82-year-old is the number three in the state after Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

However, she is threatened with losing her top office: According to polls, the opposition Republicans could win the majority in the House of Representatives in the congressional elections on Tuesday, which President Biden's Democrats have so far held.
