The Limited Times

uSA: Obama day, Biden relies on his former boss for Midterm

11/5/2022, 7:18:44 PM

The speech of the former president: 'The only way to save democracy is to fight together for democracy' (ANSA)

An armchair for three.

In the last weekend before Midterm,

Joe Biden, Barack Obama and Donald Trump all gather in Pennsylvania

to pull the sprint to their respective parties in one of the crucial states of these elections, where the Democrats are in danger of fighting for control of the Senate despite the optimism flaunted by the president.

Biden relies on the 'magic' of his former boss - who in the rallies held in recent days has shown that he still has an unparalleled charisma - to push the voters of the 'Keystone State' to vote in the Senate John Fetterman, still not completely cured of consequences of a stroke.

The gentle giant in shorts and sweatshirt, who has tattooed on his body all the names of the people who died in his state due to gun violence, challenges the candidate of the tycoon Mehmet Oz, the famous 'television doctor' made famous by Oprah Winfrey who nevertheless these days he has turned his back on him declaring his support for Fetterman.

In the other race, the one for the governor, the Democrat Josh Shapiro faces the Republican Doug Mastriano.

"I am optimistic, we will win in both the House and the Senate," Biden said with a show of confidence before landing in Pennsylvania.


The only way to save democracy is to fight together for democracy

", said Obama in Pittsburgh, in the first of two rallies in the 'swing are' urging the crowd to "vote for whoever cares for you, that person is Joe. Biden ".

For Biden, going on stage with Obama is the highlight of a real tour de force undertaken in the last week that has brought the almost 80-year-old president from one coast to the other of the United States.

But in Pennsylvania it is not only Midterms that are staged.

USA: mid-term elections on 8 November.

That's what they are - Specials

A large part of the Congress and governors in 36 states are renewed © Ansa

It is now increasingly evident that the fact that Biden and Trump find themselves a few hours and a few kilometers away is the dress rehearsal for a new challenge to the presidential elections of 2024. It was thanks to the victory in Pennsylvania that the president secured the House Bianca two years ago and her 20 electors, the highest number of all 50 states, are also very tempting to the tycoon in anticipation of a new candidacy, almost obvious.

Meanwhile, Trump's Republican arch-enemy, Liz Cheney, has announced yet another endorsement for the Democrats in Virginia.

With Abigail Spanberger, the daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney stressed in a statement, there are political differences but "I am honored" to support her.

The Democrat's opponent, Yesli Vega, is instead a protégé of the tycoon that Cheney accused of "promoting conspiracy theories, denying the electoral results with which she disagrees and defending the indefensible".

"We need our elected leaders to be honest, serious and responsible," attacked the Republican, a leading member of the Special Commission investigating the January 6 2021 assault. Spanberger is the third Democrat in Congress that Cheney has decided to support. in these midterm elections after Congresswoman Elissa Slotkin in Michigan and Senator Tim Ryan in Ohio.