The Limited Times

Yannick Noah shoots for Nicolas Vanier: "The ecological subject of the film is close to my heart"

11/5/2022, 3:00:39 PM

EXCLUSIVE. The ex-tennis champion embodies in "It's the world upside down! » an ecologist who lives in the countryside. A first for the athlete,

Not a sound among the 90 people present.

Only the rain, which pierces the trees and ricochets off the umbrellas, disturbs the silence.

And, with a smile on his face, faded jeans, a large sweater and a hastily tied salmon scarf, here is Bobby, an eco-friendly resident of a country village who has come to a barter market.

Several discussions arise.

“A wicker basket for a few nuts?

" he asks.

The case soon seems to be over, but a woman, Sophie, arrives.

A few words exchanged, a few laughs on the central aisle of this market when suddenly… “Cut!

She was good, but we're going to overtake her, so everyone in place.


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