The Limited Times

Extinguishing, rescuing, building a house: emergency services help with the construction of the Schlegldorf fire station

11/6/2022, 8:07:26 AM

Extinguishing, rescuing, building a house: emergency services help with the construction of the Schlegldorf fire station Created: 06/11/2022, 09:00 By: Veronika Ahn-Tauchnitz The shell of the new vehicle hall and social wing is finished. © arp A new fire station is being built in Schlegldorf. The construction site is progressing quickly. A site visit. Schlegldorf – Work on the new Schlegldorf

Extinguishing, rescuing, building a house: emergency services help with the construction of the Schlegldorf fire station

Created: 06/11/2022, 09:00

By: Veronika Ahn-Tauchnitz

The shell of the new vehicle hall and social wing is finished.

© arp

A new fire station is being built in Schlegldorf.

The construction site is progressing quickly.

A site visit.

Schlegldorf –

Work on the new Schlegldorf fire station has been going on for just six months, but the shells for the vehicle hall and social wing are already finished.

“We got through the deadline well.

The fire brigade stepped on the gas,” says Mayor Stefan Klaffenbacher when visiting the construction site.

Because it is actually also due to the active support of the firefighters that the construction is already ready.

The old building was demolished in August

At the groundbreaking ceremony on May 1st, the old fire station was still standing directly on the S 2072, but it was demolished at the beginning of August.

The new vehicle hall with workshop and three parking spaces for the two emergency vehicles and the trailer is now set back a little.

There is still some storage space under the high ceiling.

Building materials are currently being stored in the hall, and commander Tobias Schlick has set up a temporary operations center on one wall.

It stands where the door to the connecting building towards the social wing will later be.

Much progress has been made there too.

Shortly before the start of the work, the community had rescheduled again because there was a cheap offer and a basement was made possible.

There, in the basement, there is now storage space and space for the technology.

The building is heated with an air heat pump,

A training room is planned for the upper floor, in which first-aid courses and the like will also take place.

© arp

The ground floor has two external doors.

The front is for normal party traffic, explains Commander Schlick.

"The one at the back is the alarm door." It is only unlocked in the event of an emergency.

While some of the volunteers previously had to change their clothes cramped next to the emergency vehicle, there is now – as required – a physical separation.

On the ground floor of the new building there is a men's changing room with sanitary facilities that can accommodate 70 men.

There are also changing rooms and sanitary facilities for a maximum of 17 female emergency workers.

"We don't have any women at the moment.

But that will definitely come,” says Schlick.

Until then, the men will also use this area, "because we currently have 87 active men," says the commander.

Also on this floor there is a barrier-free toilet, an office and a storage room.

Much is done in-house

While the ground floor is brick, the upper floor was built in timber frame construction.

There, under the roof, is the large training room, where the anniversary was held a few days ago.

In the future, however, not only internal fire brigade training courses will be held there, but also, for example, first aid courses for the population and other thematic training courses or fire safety education for children.

“A small kitchenette will be set up in a niche, with a clothing closet with a small office for the fire brigade association in the back area,” says Karl Ertl, head of the technical construction office and himself a member of the Schlegldorfer Wehr.

The view of the hiking trail falls from the rear window – this is where the second escape route is set up.

It had to be relocated for the new building.

In fact, this eliminated a previously existing security risk.

Because before, the route led practically directly through the exit area of ​​the emergency vehicle.

Now the path runs behind the buildings.

"Of course, all of this was only possible because we were given the appropriate plots of land," says Klaffenbacher.

This is where the men's changing area, which offers space for 70 emergency workers, is being built.

© arp

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The municipality calculated 1.8 million euros for the construction costs – without any personal contribution.

But it is big.

“Five or six of us are actually always on the construction site.

More at the weekend,” says Schlick.

Fortunately, there is a master in the ranks of the military for practically every trade.

Presenting this personal contribution in the tenders is not so easy for the municipality.

As a rule, you write out the material and a certain amount of work, says Ertl.

A specialist company also carries out the final inspection in order not to jeopardize the warranty.

The mayor is pleased to say that most of the orders have been awarded to local companies.

And many companies are supporting the construction project to the best of their ability.

"My thanks go to them, the firefighters and the community," says Schlick.

Material and machines would be made available, the wood comes entirely from the community forest.

There is also some public funding: the municipalities can look forward to a subsidy of 180,000 euros for the three parking spaces.

The new building, which was built strictly according to the applicable standard, will be occupied sometime in the coming year.

The basement and upper floor will probably not be finished by then.

Here the expansion is carried out completely in-house.

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