The Limited Times

The forecast: today will be hot, tomorrow - cool and rainy Israel today

11/6/2022, 5:54:47 AM

The weather today will be warm and relatively comfortable for the period. It starts hot, and gets cold: the weather today (Sunday) will be partly cloudy to clear, and warm and comfortable relative to the season. Tomorrow it will be partly cloudy and temperatures will drop, during the day it may drizzle to light rain in the north of the country and in the center. In the evening there will be rain in the north of the country that will gradually spread to the north of the

It starts hot, and gets cold:

the weather today (Sunday) will be partly cloudy to clear, and warm and comfortable relative to the season.

Tomorrow it will be partly cloudy and temperatures will drop, during the day it may drizzle to light rain in the north of the country and in the center. In the evening there will be rain in the north of the country that will gradually spread to the north of the Negev, accompanied by thunderstorms, and there is a fear of local flooding in the cities of the coastal plain and floods in the streams of the Mizrah.

Fear of floods, photo: Gideon Markowitz

On Tuesday, rain fell in the north of the country and in the center accompanied by thunderstorms, in the morning there is a fear of local flooding in the cities of the coastal plain, in the north of the Negev it will rain locally, and there is a fear of floods in the eastern rivers, there will be a further drop in temperatures and they will be slightly lower than normal for the season.

In the afternoon the rain will weaken

On Wednesday it will be partly cloudy to cloudy and it will rain locally in the north of the country and in the center.

In the north of the Negev there may be local rain, and there is a fear of floods in the Mizrah streams, the temperatures will not change significantly, and they will be slightly lower than usual for the season.

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