The Limited Times

Body found in Hesse: First arrest after murder of Syrians on train tracks

11/7/2022, 3:31:31 PM

Seven weeks after the body of a young man was found in Hesse, the police arrested a suspect. He is a countryman of the dead man.

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Murder in Hesse: suspect arrested

Photo: Ferdinand Ostrop/ AP

After a murdered Syrian was found near the railway tracks in the Hessian town of Linsengericht, an arrest was made on Friday.

According to the police, the suspect is a 28-year-old fellow countryman of the murdered man.

Extensive and partly covert investigations by the Hanau public prosecutor's office and the Gelnhausen criminal police led to the arrest of the man, the police headquarters in Southeast Hesse announced on Monday in Offenbach.

In custody

The investigations into the exact background of the crime were still ongoing, it said.

The suspect is in custody, and an arrest warrant against him on suspicion of murder had been opened at the Gelnhausen district court.

A walker discovered the body in a pool of blood near the train tracks in the Main-Kinzig district in mid-September.

The victim was stabbed multiple times.

The dead man was a 25-year-old from Gelnhausen.
