The Limited Times

Changing the toilet brush: how often and tips for hygienic cleaning

11/7/2022, 1:37:24 PM

How often should you change the toilet brush? Tips for hygienic cleaning Created: 11/07/2022, 2:30 p.m By: Jasmine Farah Almost every toilet or bathroom has a toilet brush. But very few exchange them regularly. But you should - it could get gross otherwise. There are things in the household that you buy once and then forget again. Unless you use this item regularly. This also includes the toil

How often should you change the toilet brush?

Tips for hygienic cleaning

Created: 11/07/2022, 2:30 p.m

By: Jasmine Farah

Almost every toilet or bathroom has a toilet brush.

But very few exchange them regularly.

But you should - it could get gross otherwise.

There are things in the household that you buy once and then forget again.

Unless you use this item regularly.

This also includes the toilet brush next to the toilet.

While some buy them once in a lifetime and then don't renew them for years, many experts advise against it.

If it is also used from time to time, the bristles stick together, leaving a disgusting residue.

With the result that over the years these develop into veritable bacteria slingshots.

How often should you change the toilet brush?

Tips for hygienic cleaning

If the toilet brush is right next to the toilet and is never cleaned, this can also have health consequences for us.

But when is it time to change the toilet brush?

There is also a golden rule of thumb: It is best to replace them after about six months.

Otherwise, germs, bacteria and pathogens will continue to accumulate in the brush, so that you end up distributing more of them in the toilet bowl.

If you want the toilet brush to be hygienically clean, you should let the toilet cleaner act on it.

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This means residues are so stuck in the bristles that you can no longer flush them with the toilet.

However, if more and more pathogens are cavorting in the toilet bowl, this can in turn lead to people living in the household becoming ill more quickly.

In the case of a gastrointestinal disease, it is also advisable to change the toilet brush immediately in order to quickly eliminate any remaining pathogens.

In these cases, it is advisable to buy a new one.

Anyone who uses home remedies like this makes the dirt worse

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How often should you change the toilet brush?

Better buy new or replace brush head

However, if you want to avoid too much plastic waste, you often have the option of simply removing the brush head and putting a new one on it.

However, you can clean the handle with a little warm water and soap if there are stains or the like on it.

You can certainly also laboriously clean the toilet brush by hand, but in most cases this is not hygienic.

It's easier when you're cleaning the toilet bowl and the like, distributing toilet cleaner in the toilet bowl and placing the dirty brush in the siphon.

You can then apply a little cleaning agent to the particularly heavily soiled areas or bristles.

Then leave the cleaner on for about an hour and finally rinse off the residue with warm water until it runs clear.

By the way: The dirty water in the collection cup of the toilet brush must also be disposed of regularly.

Then wipe it thoroughly with a separate, clean cloth.