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Frustration in Beitar Jerusalem: "We are naive and suckers"; criticism of Machias | Israel Hayom

11/7/2022, 6:25:17 AM

The team from the capital gave a fight to Maccabi Haifa but fell apart in the second half • About the stopper who made a series of mistakes it was said in the club: "It was his weakest game of the season, he killed us"

Great frustration in Beitar Jerusalem from the loss to Maccabi Haifa, especially in light of the fact that Yossi Abouxis' team played good football until Omar Atzili's penalty, but then came the unnecessary disintegration of the Yellow and Black. "We are naive, suckers, if we had scored another goal in the first half They would have looked different," said Beitar, adding: "The players fought, but what can be done when Haifa brings Atzili and Sheri off the bench? This is a team above the league."

Coach Yossi Aboksis admitted that he made a mistake in the substitutions and said: "Until the 55th minute, it was our best game. I didn't want to make defensive substitutions after such good minutes of ours, it might have worked, in retrospect we are the world champions.

There was a crowd here, energy, I didn't want to ruin such a good game of ours, so the substitutions were also offensive. We broke after the second goal, but the players gave a tremendous effort and I have no complaints against them." 

Degani Metusach, photo: Alan Shiver

The stopper Josua Machias, who was at fault for the first goal and provided a series of serious mistakes, was heavily criticized and it was said: "It was his weakest game of the season, he killed us."

On the other hand, Jordan Shua and Terzi Toma received praise for the great ability they displayed.

In the meantime, before the game, an unpleasant incident occurred when a Beitar fan, who was supposed to speak on the microphone of the public address system in the stadium in order to get his team's audience into the pre-game atmosphere, cursed the greens and Muhammad Abu Fani. The club's spokesman, Assaf Nahum, He spoke personally with Abu Fani and apologized for the incident. Beitar clarified that they will no longer allow the fan to speak on the system.

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