The Limited Times

In the United Kingdom, journalists of a TV channel in Persian threatened with death by Iran

11/7/2022, 8:31:31 PM

Two journalists working for Iran International, a Persian language television channel based in London, have received death threats from Tehran,...

Two journalists working for Iran International, a Persian-language television channel based in London, have received death threats from Tehran, the group that owns the channel reported on Monday (November 7th).


Iranian-British journalists working in the United Kingdom have received death threats from the Revolutionary Guards (the ideological army of Tehran, editor's note)

", alerted Volant Media in a press release.

According to the group, two journalists notably received "

credible warnings and threats

", which prompted the London police to "

officially inform the two journalists that these threats pose an imminent, credible and significant risk to their lives and that of their families.


Contacted by AFP, London police said they "

do not comment on security issues relating to specific individuals


Repression in the blood

According to Volant Media, “

Other Iran International journalists were informed directly by the Metropolitan Police of these threats.

These are state threats against journalists in the United Kingdom

,” reacted a spokesperson for the channel quoted in the press release.

Read alsoIn Iran, young people do not bend in the face of the brutality of the mullahs

The channel covers in particular the demonstrations which have taken place in Iran since the death, on September 16, of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd who died three days after her arrest in Tehran by the morality police, who accused her of having violated the strict dress code of the Islamic Republic, in particular imposing the wearing of the veil for women.

The protest - on a scale that the country had not known for three years - is repressed in blood, with nearly two hundred dead according to the count of an NGO based outside Iran.