The Limited Times

Pd, Cottarelli hypothesis in Lombardy, squad names for Lazio

11/7/2022, 1:31:17 PM

Carlo Cottarelli could be the Pd candidate for Lombardy, while it is excluded that Letizia Moratti could be. This is the reasoning that is done in Pd environments. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - ROME, NOV 07 - Carlo Cottarelli could be the Pd candidate for Lombardy, while it is excluded that Letizia Moratti could be.

This is the reasoning that is done in Pd environments.

For Lazio there is skepticism about Contedi's will to find an agreement: a response from him is awaited for today.

"In any case - it is reported - we will go on along our road" or with a candidate indicated by the Democratic Party or with the primaries, which are not excluded even for Lombardy.

Among the names that are taken into consideration for Lazio, those of the regional councilors Alessio d'Amato and Daniele Leodori, as well as Enrico Gasbarra or a civic.