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The administration is fighting for its life: the US goes to the polls | Israel Today

11/7/2022, 9:25:56 PM

The mid-term elections for Congress in Washington reach their peak today • The Democrats are making a supreme effort to prevent or at least reduce the Republican victory in the Senate • One of the arenas that will decide - Pennsylvania, where the gap in the polls between the candidates is one tenth of a percent

America chooses: across the US, the polls will open today for the "mid-term elections", in which all 435 members of the House of Representatives (the lower house of Congress) in Washington, 35 of the 100 members of the Senate (the upper house), 36 governors and other officials such as prosecutors are up for election state and state secretaries of state.

The Republican Party is expected to win the election and gain a majority in both houses. This means a blow to President Biden and the Democratic Party, who currently enjoy majorities in both houses. The fiercest fight is for the majority in the Senate, which will be affected by the close fights in the states of Georgia, Nevada , New Hampshire, New York, Wisconsin, Colorado, maybe also in Washington and undoubtedly in Pennsylvania, where the gap in the polls between the Democratic candidate John Peterman and his Republican competitor Dr. Mehmet Oz stands at one tenth of a percent.

Democratic candidate for the Senate, Dr. Oz,

Yesterday we visited a support event for Dr. Oz, which was organized in a small family restaurant in the town of Lebanon, Pennsylvania. Half an hour before Dr. Oz arrived, the restaurant was already bursting with activists and energy.

Many of them were adults, but they were as enthusiastic as children.

Some wore the MAGA hats so associated with Trump.

This is the white and conservative America that brought Trump to the White House, an America that wants law and order, that is outraged by the cuts in police budgets and the rise in crime, that demands that the flow of immigrants be limited and that puts the economy first.

"Are we ready for Oz"?

asks the unofficial moderator of the event, and the audience - which was made up only of whites - roars "Yes!".

There is no comparison between the heated atmosphere here and the frozen atmosphere at yesterday's event of John Peterman, Dr. Oz's competitor for the vacant seat on behalf of the state of Pennsylvania in the Senate. Peterman's convention was planned and programmed from start to finish. Here, however, the touch of Oz with the audience is authentic and lively - before, during and after.

Dr. Oz supporters at a conference in Pennsylvania,

"We need to deal with crime, give the police back their power and let them do their job," says Oz, who enters the restaurant like a rock star.

He overwhelms the issues of immigration, gas prices and inflation.

"Did you know Peterman didn't pay the taxes he owed?! He supports the legalization of drugs and raising taxes. Is that what we want?"

Following the swingers

In the last few days before the opening of the polls, Oz completes the long journey from the ideological right, which chose him as the candidate of the Republican Party, to the center - and to the voters who oscillate between him and his opponent.

He knows this is the way to victory.

"I ask that each of you go to ten of your friends who are undecided. If they are going to vote for Paterman, take their car keys," the Republican candidate pulls out, and the crowd roared with laughter, "but they are undecided, make sure they get to the polls. This is what will result in Pennsylvania showing up in Washington the right positions." He finishes his words, takes a picture with the activists, hands out autographs and runs to the next event.

Rose, who got her sign autographed, bursts into tears.

"Crime needs to be dealt with, we need it in the Senate," she says.

Peterman and the Democrats label Oz as not local, but judging by the reactions from the audience, it seems that the territory is actually with the famous doctor.

burdensome presidents

In any case, the Democrats - in Pennsylvania and abroad - are making a supreme effort to avoid the loss or at least narrow the expected gap between them and the Republicans.

The effort was joined by President Joe Biden and his predecessors in the White House from the Democratic Party, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

The three participated in several rallies in recent days to excite the activists of their party.

On the other hand, former President Donald Trump is also initiating election rallies, partly in preparation for the expected announcement of a renewed run for the presidency ahead of the 2024 elections.

According to the estimates, about 35 million Americans exercised the possibility of early voting by mail or email. The total voting rate is therefore expected to probably reach 50 percent.

Voters in US congressional elections,

The main issues on the agenda in the elections are the economic situation and the increase in prices, the increase in crime and illegal immigration to the USA. Also on the agenda in many countries, women's right to abortion and the issue of sexual identity and sexual education in schools. The results are expected in most arenas and are expected to be known by Wednesday in the morning (Israel time). In the case of a close fight, the results may be delayed in some cases even for several weeks.

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