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The judge releases the two activists who joined Goya's 'Las majas' and the other two accused of helping them

11/7/2022, 10:19:21 PM

PP and Ciudadanos ask to toughen the punishment against protests that aim at works of art even if they are not damaged

The investigating judge number 29 of Madrid, on guard duty, has released the four people arrested on Saturday after two activists glued their hands to the frames of the paintings

La maja nude


La maja dressed

by Goya and made a graffiti on the wall of the Prado Museum as a protest to denounce the lack of sufficient measures to curb global warming.

The four are accused of an alleged crime against the historical-artistic heritage.

Two of the arrests occurred on Saturday and the others on Sunday, after the security forces found evidence against two women after examining the videos recorded by the Prado's security cameras.

The crime for which they are being investigated provides for their authors sentences of six months to three years in prison or fines, although it requires that the work of art has been damaged, something that according to the Prado Museum, which condemned the protest, does not This happened in this case with the paintings, although the frames did suffer “slight damage”.

The two young men who stuck to the paintings belong to Futuro Vegetal, while the other two women arrested are a journalist and a student who recorded the event and who, according to the first investigations by the police, would have participated in climate action.

"I am stuck here because last week the UN made it official that it is already impossible to contain global warming at 1.5º, exceeding the limits set in the Paris Agreement and compromising our food security," said one of the activists.

PP and Ciudadanos have asked this Monday to increase the punishment for acts of protest in which works of art are involved.

The popular have announced that they will present an initiative in Congress to urge criminal punishment of those acts that, although they do not damage works, prevent the public from contemplating them.

"We find it interesting that the figure of patrimonial damage and tarnishing is incorporated", said the deputy Sol Cruz-Guzmán, "the social damage that prevents seeing that work should be penalized".

The president of Ciudadanos, Inés Arrimadas, has stated that her party will present a proposal to reform the Historical Heritage Law to "sanction with dissuasive fines" behavior such as that of the Prado activists.

“These are counterproductive actions for the cause they claim to defend,”

Arrimadas declared at a press conference.

Vox has criticized, for its part, the degree of security of the national museums and has accused the activists and those who defend them of being "the Taliban of the West, who destroy cultural heritage."

The deputy of United We Can and coordinator of Alianza Verde, Juantxo López de Uralde, has criticized for his part that in addition to the two activists arrested on Saturday, a journalist and a student who recorded what happened were also arrested.

The Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE) and the Madrid Press Association (APM) have differentiated, for their part, journalistic work from what may have been, if the charges are proven, complicity with an illegal act .

The entity Futuro Vegetal has assured that the objective of the action, which is added to others that have taken place in recent weeks in museums such as the National Gallery in London or the Bonaparte Palace museum in Rome, is to denounce the emergency situation to the one facing the Earth.

His spokesman, Bilbo Basaterra, was convinced this Monday that Francisco de Goya "would agree" with a protest like the one carried out by activists from his organization on the grounds that he used his works to "denounce situations of inequality ”.

Sources from the museum, who on Saturday condemned the events, have indicated, for their part, that they expect to be called to testify by the court that is investigating the case and that they will “actively defend” the common heritage before him.

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