The Limited Times

Three migrants jump from the ship taken to the dock, they are fine

11/7/2022, 3:37:55 PM

Three young migrants aboard the moored Geo Barents jumped into the sea in an attempt to reach the mainland. The EU to Italy: '' The landings must be facilitated, it is a duty '. The Commission stresses that 'we need to minimize the time people spend at sea'. Berlin: 'Rescue at sea moral and legal duty'. Humanity lawyers: 'There is no deadline to leave the port of Catania'. Salvini: 'These are organized trips, they must be cut short'. In 572 still on 4 NGO ships: two in port, another two off Catania. 505 migrants disembarked (ANSA)

Three young migrants aboard the Geo Barents moored in Catania dived into the sea in an attempt to reach the mainland


They swam to a float and then were recovered by the authorities and taken to the dock next to the Doctors Without Borders ship.

The three are fine.


European Commission

, through a spokesperson,

reiterates that there is a "moral and legal duty to save people at sea, based on international law"

and welcomed yesterday's landing of migrants in Italy.

Asked whether it is in line with the Commission's laws and guidelines to authorize a 'selective' landing, the spokesperson stressed that under international law "we need to minimize the time people spend at sea".

"Each case is different - she pointed out - but we encourage all the authorities to collaborate in order to facilitate the landing".

According to

a European source informed about the dossier

, it is "very difficult" for migrants to submit asylum requests directly on NGO ships on the basis of their national registration, thus addressing the country of which they fly the flag.

He then specified that the relevant laws would be "clear enough". 

Rescue at sea is a "moral and legal duty and cannot be prevented,"

they also said

the spokespersons of

the German government's foreign and interior ministries

, answering a question about migrants in Sicily.

"It is important that hundreds of people have been able to disembark, but

it is important that all people are saved and that they can reach land

," added the spokeswoman for the Foreign Ministry Sabine Sasse.

"We are in close contact with Italian entities", the spokesman for the German Interior Ministry also said at a press conference in Berlin, answering a question about Berlin's willingness to welcome migrants who landed on the two NGO ships in Sicily. .

As for management, the spokesperson for the Ministry of the Interior clarified that "coordination is the responsibility of the EU commission".

"In the provision in which the ship's commander is told to leave the port of Catania with the 35 remaining migrants on board,

there is no deadline, no time limit

", underlined in the morning environments close to the

Humanity 1

lawyers , also in relation to the timing of submission of appeals to the TAR and to the civil court.

"A sanction of 50 thousand euros, if they do not leave the port of Catania, has been notified to the two NGO ships", explained the co-spokesperson of Europa Verde,

Angelo Bonelli.

The email was notified to Humanity 1, who made it known, but Doctors Without Borders who manages Geo Barents did not confirm the news.


are organized trips

- said the Minister of Infrastructure

Matteo Salvini

to 'Non stop news' on Rtl 102.5 -. Whoever is on board those ships pays about 3 thousand dollars, which become weapons and drugs for the traffickers. They are always organized trips. more dangerous. We must stop the trafficking not only of human beings which is already huge, but of arms and drugs linked to trafficking in human beings ". 

"The selection of migrants is not made on the basis of their interests but those of the smugglers who bring them - said the Minister of Justice,

Carlo Nordio

in Treviso -. The poor among the poor, the old, the sick, the dying, remain there. Those who come to Italy can afford to pay between 2 and 5 thousand euros to these organizations that transport them. We take them not because we are good but because we are resigned ".

"If we were good - he added - we would take the poorest of the poor and the sick of the sick".

the Humanity 1 lawyer, the lawyer Riccardo Campochiaro, for his part, announced that some associations will present a complaint to the Catania Public Prosecutor's Office on the mistreatment of migrants.

"The Public Prosecutor of Catania, which is very attentive, knows the situation well. I know that there are associations that are moving to present a complaint to the Catania Public Prosecutor on the treatment of migrants and on the fact that not all of them have been disembarked".

He said it, I meet the journalists on the Levante pier of the port.

In 572 still on 4 NGO ships, here is where 

Two are in port, another two off Catania.

505 migrants landed 

Two arrived in port in Catania over the weekend, Humanity 1 and Geo Barents;

two others, the Ocean Viking and the Rise Above, have not yet forced the blockade imposed by the Italian authorities and cross off the coast of Catania.

This, at the moment, to the situation of humanitarian ships engaged in a tug-of-war with the center-right government.

Of the approximately one thousand migrants rescued in total, half have yet to disembark.

From Humanity 1, the German flag, of the NGO Sos Humanity, 35 rescued people remained on board, after 144 were taken off because they were considered 'fragile' by the Usmaf medical commission.

On the Geo Barents, Norwegian flag, of Doctors Without Borders, there are 214 migrants, after 357 were disembarked yesterday and another was evacuated in the night.

As for the ships not yet in port, on the Ocean Viking, Norwegian flag, of the French NGO Sos Mediterranee, there are 234 people.

Finally, on the Rise Above (German flag), after 4 medical evacuations during the night, 89 migrants are present.

All NGO ships at sea for relief and the laws that regulate it