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Towards a clash: Ben Gvir asked for powers to command police officers; Former senior police officer: "If this is the intention - oh and woe" | Israel today

11/7/2022, 8:49:38 PM

In Ben Gvir's vision, he is not only a presenter of the police, but its commander-in-chief • The police strongly oppose

Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu failed to convince his partners to satiate the government immediately, without coalition agreements.

This means that the new government will not be sworn in next week and the parties will now go to a negotiation process that will last between two weeks and a month.

Those around Netanyahu insist that his desire to satisfy a government without a conclusion on basic lines and legislation does not stem from avoiding setting a timetable for controversial moves such as the escalation clause, but rather from his desire to replace the Prime Minister and the incumbent ministers as soon as possible "so that they do not cause any more damage or make hijackings at the last minute His partners, Moshe Gafni, Bezalel Smotrich and Itamar Ben Gabir, as mentioned, were not convinced and strongly refused.

Netanyahu and Ben Gvir.

First joint photo, photo: Likud spokespeople

The last to leave Netanyahu's office in Ze'ev Citadel in Tel Aviv is Itamar Ben-Gvir.

The two were photographed together for the first time and even exchanged half a hug when they parted.

Of all the coalition demands, Netanyahu has no problem with Ben-Gvir's.

He will appoint him Minister of Internal Security, and will probably grant him all the accompanying requirements.

Will have to go through a demobilization process, under his new commander, Shabtai, photo: Koko

It is not only about budgets but about a fundamental and dramatic change of the role.

In his vision Ben-Gvir is not only a presenter of the police but its commander-in-chief.

Like the relationship between the Minister of Defense and the IDF. His associates compare this to the authority that an American mayor has over the municipal police under him. Not only outlining a general policy and prioritizing the order of forces, but direct orders on matters of handling disturbances up to investigations and arrests. The Commissioner, who did not want Ben- A strong man in the political system, will probably be forced to go through a demobilization process in a short time, under his new commander.

To this end, the Knesset will pass legislative changes, which will grant the minister the necessary new powers.

A senior police official told Israel Hayom in response that "if that is the intention, then woe betide you."

We will remind you that in the past an attempt was made in the Ministry of Internal Security to abolish the police accountant, and this in order for the control of the police budgets to be in the hands of the minister.

However, at the time this caused an uproar and complete opposition from the Attorney General.

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