The Limited Times

Why call it "Redcar"? Christine and the Queens explain their new identity

11/7/2022, 3:20:19 PM

New pseudonym and reaffirmation of his genre, the artist, who sees binarity as a "grotesque tool of oppression" told the Guardian what led him to make these changes.

Since last year, Christine and the Queens has become "Redcar".

The artist had already changed his stage name to Chris in 2018. A few days before the release of his new album,

Redcar: The Adorable Stars

, Héloïse Adélaïde Letissier, for civil status, explains to the


this new pseudonym.

This is a reference to his mother.

She died suddenly in 2019. The artist explains that during her mourning, she saw more and more red cars.

She interpreted this as a sign of the one he lost and decided to make a stage name out of it.

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It's not just his pseudonym that Redcar wanted to change.

A few months ago, the singer came out transgender.

In a TikTok video, she revealed her trans identity.

She became he.

The artist also reaffirmed it on Twitter by writing:

“I am trans.”

However, Redcar categorically refuses to change its appearance.

“I am in resistance against the approach of transidentity which wants that there are necessarily hormonal treatments and operations.

It's bowing to a binary system that I don't believe in.

Binary was created to control (...).

I'm tired of having to define myself with their grotesque tools of oppression.

And I don't owe anyone scars, to be precise

,' he told the



Due to a nasty injury in rehearsal, the Redcar concerts have been postponed.

Before a return to the stage at the Cirque d'Hiver Bouglione, in Paris, on November 9 and 10.

The next day, his new album will be available.