The Limited Times

"It was psychedelic": an Israeli fan of One Republic sang with the band in two performances - voila! culture

11/8/2022, 10:20:20 PM

An Israeli fan of the band One Republic has twice fulfilled a dream of singing with the band at their concerts on Saturday in Vienna, and last night in Israel.

Ryan Tedder, lead singer of the band One Republic, during their performance at Live Park in Rishon Lezion brings up to the stage an Israeli fan who asked with a sign to sing with them (public relations)

An Israeli fan of the band One Republic who wanted to sing with the band at their shows fulfilled this dream in two different shows in three days.

The fan is Elon Kraussher, a 25-year-old from Petach Tikva who works in digital marketing for artists.

The first time happened after he flew to watch the band in Vienna, at a concert that took place on Saturday night.

He held a sign in his hand in which he turned to lead singer Ryan Tedder and asked to sing their song "Sunshine" with the band.

Tedder noticed him, went down to the audience and allowed him to participate in the song with a rap part.

Last night (Tuesday) he did it for the second time, at the band's performance at Live Park Rishon LeZion - when this time Teder also put him on stage in the same song, to the surprise of the audience (watch the clip - above).

"I was in Vienna with a sign, who wants to do this part on stage together with him," Krauscher tells Walla!


"At first Ryan saw the sign, was a little surprised and didn't react that much. Then, in the song before, he pointed at me, and made a sign of okay, fine. The song in question started and at first nothing happens. Then he comes down with the microphone and it just happened. It felt I have a psychotic part."

"Tonight I really, really hoped it would be restored and it would happen, but I didn't know if there was a chance, if he was into it and if it could happen. I held the remote at some point in the show. I didn't get a response until the song before, so he signaled me OK. And the second the song started he pulled me out From the audience, taking me to the stage - and then it happened!".

Elon Kraussher, an Israeli fan of the band One Republic, at its performance at Live Park Rishon Lezion, holds a sign asking to sing with them.

Vocalist Ryan Tedder fulfilled his dream and brought it to the stage (Photo: YHOT)

There were those who raised the question whether it was a staged piece and not truly spontaneous.

"I wish I had such a good relationship with the band to be told let's do it staged. It was the most spontaneous and authentic, and I least expected it - but very flattering!"

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