The Limited Times

Qatar's World Cup ambassador: "Homosexuality is brain damage" | Israel today

11/8/2022, 4:19:50 PM

12 days before the opening of the World Cup in Qatar, the Muslim country is again in the center of the headlines • "Homosexuality is brain damage, I'm afraid they will have a negative effect on our children"

12 days before the opening of the World Cup in Qatar, the Muslim country is again in the center of the headlines.

The World Cup ambassador of the host country, Khalid Salman, who was also a former player, spoke out in a blatant way against the gay community.

The Qatari WM-Ambassador Khalid Salman describes homosexuality as "geistigen Schaden

" ZDF@jochenbreyer @Fried_julia @ZDFheute #qatar

— ZDF sportstudio (@sportstudio) November 8, 2022

"During the World Cup, many people will come to our country. Let's talk about gays. The most important thing is that everyone respects the fact that they came to Qatar, and respects our laws."

"Homosexuality is 'haram' (something forbidden according to Islamic law). Do you know what 'haram' means? I'm not a devout Muslim, but it's brain damage," Salman admitted that he fears that the children who will be exposed to gay men at the tournament might learn "something Not good".

Following Salman's words, the interview was stopped by an official representative accompanying the Qatari.

This interview adds to the great criticism that already exists against the decision to hold the pinnacle event of football in the country.

Earlier today, the one who was the president of FIFA at the time, Sepp Blatter, who claimed after the selection of Qatar that there would be no problem playing in the summer, clarified today in an interview in Switzerland that the idea of ​​selecting Qatar was simply fundamentally wrong.

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